Why Is My Book For Sale All Over Ebay When Those People Haven’t Bought Copies?

Why Is My Book For Sale All Over Ebay When Those People Haven’t Bought Copies?

Q –

Hi Angela,

My discontinued book is for sale on Ebay for many times the price I listed it for on Amazon. It cannot be a used copy as I know everyone who has bought one. Shouldn’t I be entitled to a royalty at least?

– CS

A –

The people selling those copies on Ebay don’t actually have physical copies of the books. Any firm with an Ingram account (that’s the distributor) can pick up Ingram’s feed, and start selling their books. Ingram sends that automated feed to retailers. It’s the same automated feed that third party sellers on Amazon receive.

Unfortunately, many of these small resellers don’t bother to update their listings when a book becomes unavailable.

You can try ordering a copy from that ebay seller. I suspect they will later contact you to say they can’t obtain a copy.



Angela is not only the publisher of WritersWeekly.com. She is President & CEO of BookLocker.com,
a self-publishing services company that has been in business since 1998. Ask her anything.


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