Q –
Good afternoon. For a year I paid a book promotion company, Book Writing Experts, over $10,000 to promote my book for sales and, within that time, only one book was sold. Throughout the process, I was being told that, if I put down a certain amount of money for more promotion, it would reach a bigger audience of readers, which would help my sales. Is there any legal action I can take to get compensation back from the money I lost?
Thank you.
A –
I am not an attorney and this is not legal advice. Please consult with an attorney for your specific needs.
Below my signature are some serious accusations, written by bbb.org, against the company, that I found on that website (where they have an F rating). If they are truly falsifying all of that, yes, I think you’d have grounds for a lawsuit. But, you need to consider several things.
1. Are they really located in the U.S.? If they are not, suing, winning, and receiving any judgment awarded to you would be almost impossible. That’s one reason to only hire publishing services that are actually located in the United States. BookLocker.com is located in Trenton, Georgia, and has an outstanding reputation.
2. Even if they are in the U.S., and if you win, do they have the funds to pay a judgment? Would you be able to collect assets of theirs in place of those funds? You could spend thousands in legal fees, and end up with nothing.
3. Lawsuits can be extremely stressful. We sued Amazon back in 2008 and, while we did eventually win, I can’t tell you how many nights of sleep I lost from the stress. Amazon played dirty. If you do sue Book Writing Experts, we’ll provide info. and updates to our WritersWeekly.com readers.
I did quite a bit of research into Book Writing Experts. I am not believing the 5-star reviews about them online. They may be fake. They just don’t jive with all the complaints.
Read specific complaints here:
Also, check this out:
(One person there reports the business address is a “virtual office” so they may indeed be located overseas. Another person reports that their domain name was registered by a foreign proxy company.)
Authors Guild – Search that page for Book Writing Experts
Also, the sales report you emailed to me has the name Page Publishing at the top of it. So, it appears the two firms are working together. I found nasty comments about them online, too, on yelp.com, trustpilot.com, and bbb.org. Remember that an A+ rating on bbb.org only means the company has responded to all of the complaints on the bbb.org website. It does NOT mean they’re doing good business.
Current Alerts For This Business
Advertising Review:
On September 5, 2023, BBB Serving Los Angeles and Silicon Valley requested that the business substantiate, modify, or discontinue claims on the company’s website, https://bookwritingexperts.com/. BBB requested that the business clarify their relationship with various organizations advertised on their website. BBB also requested that the business substantiate, modify, or discontinue rating claims, images/depictions of published books, sale claims, and client testimonials.
BBB challenged these claims based on the following BBB Codes of Advertising:
1. Basic Principles of the Code – https://www.bbb.org/code-of-advertising#Basic_Principles_Of_The_Code
9. Sales – https://www.bbb.org/code-of-advertising#Sales
21. Layout and Illustrations – https://www.bbb.org/code-of-advertising#Layout_And_Illustrations
30. Testimonials and Endorsements – https://www.bbb.org/code-of-advertising#Testimonials_And_Endorsements
While the business initially responded to BBB and made some modifications to their advertising, as of October 4, 2023, the business has failed to substantiate, modify, or discontinue all advertised claims brought to its attention.
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a self-publishing services company that has been in business since 1998. Ask her anything.
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