“Are recent marketing phone calls about my old book legit or a scam?”

More than 40 years ago, I self published a book…
More than 40 years ago, I self published a book…
If you are scammed by one of these predators, you’ll have ZERO legal recourse.
If I had a nickel for every time someone has asked me to work for free…
Just because a company claims they are Christian doesn’t mean you should blindly trust them. Far from it!
Not only am I a writer, I am a scambaiter as well. For me, Angela’s story was like french fries to a fat man!
Did Angela just save another author from getting scammed?
My book has sold more copies in the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia than in the United States because of my collaboration with authors in those regions!
Do NOT do business with Writers Press Publishing House!
My discontinued book is for sale on Ebay for many times the price I listed it…
The person’s email address ended with macmillanpublisher.co.