Should You Update Your Old Book, Or Write a New One?

Without consistent promotion, updating a book will be a complete waste of time.
Without consistent promotion, updating a book will be a complete waste of time.
What if you had a book that provided step-by-step instructions on not only what to do, but when to do it, from Day 1 through Day 90 and beyond? And, what if that book also included a schedule of day-by-day promotional tasks for ongoing sales?
Have you started your journey with video marketing yet?
In our 20+ year history, we have never seen so many freelance opportunities ripe for the picking. If you’re having a hard time finding writing work, here’s what you’re doing wrong…
I’m sorry if this sounds harsh but it’s the truth…
My book is the perfect book for promotion on some radio/TV talk shows. Do you have any suggestions on how to get myself on, or my book promoted, on such shows?
A Karen gets a smackdown after demanding I CALL her IMMEDIATELY to give her free advice.
This article is your primer to developing an income stream from a variety of unique author events!
Guesting on a podcast can be daunting for writers who are introverts. Here are some author-friendly podcasts.
Visions of sugarplums dance in the heads of novice writers. Hollywood has left them with the fantasy picture of authors being sent on lavish press tours where adoring fans line up at the signing table and where the writer is hounded by eager reporters…