WARNING about The Maple Staple Bookstore / Brilliant Books Literary / Bookside Press SCAM
How many names does a company actually need to scam as many people as possible???
How many names does a company actually need to scam as many people as possible???
I mean, seriously… What did they THINK was going to happen?!?!
If you’re not using Quora to promote your writing services and/or books, you’re missing out!
According to The Accidental Medical Writer (published by BookLocker), “Regardless of your background and experience, you can be successful as a freelance medical writer.”
As we approach autumn, readers flock to the app for recommendations of cozy books…
Broadcast Channels can help you get copies of your books flying off the shelves!
Social media marketing can be time-consuming. Here are some great shortcuts!
Talk TO potential readers, not AT them!
Writing whitepapers pays anywhere from $1,500 to $10,000 for a 14-page document.
Delete all their intrusive and annoying e-mails and texts, and move on with your life.