Published on August 11, 2022
author, copyrights, legal, Print on demand, self-publishing, writing career advice

I’ve learned to do a lot of things for myself. It’s not just about saving money, although that’s a big bonus. It’s more about the satisfaction I get from being as self-sufficient as I can be. But, that pride must be tempered with a humility that allows me to accept my limitations. There are some things that I simply don’t have enough knowledge or skill to accomplish…
Published on August 3, 2022
author, Print on demand, self-publishing, traditional publishing

The back to school/fall-is-coming advertisements spur authors to want to get their new books on the market ASAP to take advantage of the impending holiday shopping season. I’m currently being reminded that I will be getting little sleep from now until Christmas week…
Published on August 1, 2022
author, book marketing, diversify your writing income, Print on demand, promoting your writing, self-publishing, writing career advice

Newsletter publishers might want to consider publishing an entire year’s worth of material as a book.
Published on July 29, 2022
amazon, author, complaints, Complaints about specific publishers, legal, Print on demand, self-publishing, writing career advice

“I cannot access my author’s account or books in (Amazon’s) KDP. My account is locked out. I have had a terrible experience and have been trying to access my books for almost a year now…”
Published on July 21, 2022
book marketing, diversify your writing income, Print on demand, promoting your writing, promotional pitfalls, self-publishing, traditional publishing

With so many options available to sell your book today, it can be challenging and overwhelming for an author to stand out from the crowd…
Published on July 21, 2022
amazon, author, book marketing, diversify your writing income, Ebooks, Print on demand, promoting your writing, self-publishing, traditional publishing

My publisher can’t give me that list (??) and said it’s a bad idea anyway. What do you think is going on?
Published on July 21, 2022
author, author solutions, authorhouse, complaints, Complaints about specific publishers, pod complaints, Print on demand, self-publishing, xlibris

Thinking about using Xlibris to publish your book? You might want to think again after reading these angry complaints!
Published on July 14, 2022
author, book marketing, Print on demand, promotional pitfalls, self-publishing, traditional publishing

I kept thinking I just need a push, something to get me higher sales numbers. Maybe a marketing company? Whatever my investment, I would certainly make it up in no time with all my new sales, right?
Published on July 8, 2022
author, author scams, complaints, pod complaints, Print on demand, self-publishing, writing scams

Read about common scam that happens to newly published authors.
Published on July 8, 2022
author, copyrights, legal, libel, Print on demand, self-publishing, traditional publishing, writing career advice

While it may be tempting to take shortcuts, and “borrow” from others without permission, don’t do it. EVER.