Published on July 15, 2021
amazon, Censorship, copyrights, legal, libel
Google fined $539M; Man wins libel lawsuit even though he doesn’t know who libeled him; UK taking more freedoms away from folks; 12 months in prison for copyright infringement and tax evasion; and Amazon accused of selling hazardous materials
Published on July 8, 2021
amazon, copyrights, legal, libel
Cops preventing posting of videos on YouTube; Publisher of the Boxcar Children series claims to get back on track; and Bezos bolts? In The News – 07/08/2021
Published on July 1, 2021
author, author scams, book marketing, legal, libel, Print on demand, self-publishing, traditional publishing, writing career advice
When you lie to a business associate, a neighbor, family member, or anyone in the adult world, real life consequences can ensue…
Published on July 1, 2021
amazon, Censorship, copyrights, libel
Copyright Trolls on WikiMedia; Fired by a Computer; Amazon Bullying Reporters?; Abortion Book for KIDS; Teamsters vs Amazon; and Two Firms Choose to Close Rather Than Continuing to Work with Amazon
Published on June 2, 2021
amazon, legal, libel
MORE: Jerk town attorney tries to silence residents; Professor dismissed for using the N-word during academic disussions of Mark Twain; Libel case against journalist dismissed; Libel case against CNN moves to discovery; Amazon hiring pot smokers; and Fauci is publishing a book…that is only 80 pages long.
Published on May 14, 2021
amazon, copyrights, legal, libel
MORE: Amazon dispatcher tells driver to “speed up”; Defamation lawsuit backfires to the tune of $79K; Blogger must pay for libel; Nirvana sued for t-shirt design; Costly copyright infringement judgement against politician; and are you curious about fair use?
Published on May 6, 2021
author, legal, libel, self-publishing, writing career advice
We’ve heard of family members suing authors for what was written, even when names were changed.
Published on April 29, 2021
amazon, legal, libel
Cop Tells His Side of Breonna Taylor Shooting / Publisher gets Heat; Bezos Bye Bye Letter; IDF Accuses MSNBC Host of Libel; Is Google’s “FLoC” tracking YOU?; Author become amateur detective; Twitter bows to foreign government (of course); Reporter shot in her own home
Published on April 1, 2021
amazon, legal, libel
MORE: Australia’s AG Sues ABC; Harper Collins AND author sued: Copyright victim given the shaft by a judge; and Arts mag Artforum settles retaliation lawsuit by employee
Published on March 25, 2021
amazon, legal, libel, traditional publishing
Amazon Drivers Must Consent to “Biometric” Cameras; “Medium” Paring Down Editorial Staff; and Star Wars Author not Receiving Royalties