* Amazonannigans
What Effect Does This Have on Highway Safety?
‘It Hurts My Heart When I Have to Say, You Got to Speed Up’ – An Amazon Dispatcher on her job Surveilling your Delivery Driver.
“They know what their bodies can handle and it’s kind of off-putting to put someone in the position to call someone else and tell them to speed up more…”
* Defamation / Libel
Former Michigan Rep to Pay Defendant After Failed Lawsuit
Detroit News Receives $20,000 in Settlement with ex-Rep. Courser, Lawyer
“The agreement came about two years after Washtenaw County Circuit Judge Timothy Connors dismissed the defamation lawsuit against The News and ordered Courser and DePerno to pay $79,701.63 in sanctions…”
Blogging Libelous Content Can Bankrupt You.
Anna Turley libel lawyer bill to be paid by union and blogger
“The article on Mr Walker’s blog, which contained a statement from Unite, was found to have libelled Ms Turley by suggesting she acted dishonestly when submitting an application to join the union. She also said Unite had misused her private information.”
* 1st Amendment
School Board Members Need to Mind Their own Business
Rochester School Parent Sues, Alleges District got her Fired for Speaking Out
“On Dec. 18, Dinverno was fired by Blake’s, according to the suit, which alleges board members had contacted the employers of other parents over their online comments.”
* Copyright Law
Nirvana’s T-Shirt Tizzy
Nirvana Faces Copyright Lawsuit Over a Logo Used In a ’90s T-Shirt
“Further research revealed that some of the unauthorized uses of the Illustration on Nirvana-branded merchandise date as far back as 1989.”
Do NOT Install Software When Accused of Copyright Infringement
Fake Copyright Infringement Warnings Used to Spread Ransomware
“Recently, Techlicious received a handful of posts in our comment section claiming that one of our images is violating copyright. We take copyright very seriously, so these posts immediately got my attention.”
Politicians Can’t Violate Copyrights Without Consequences
We’re not gonna take copyright infringement anymore
“Australian mining magnate Mr. Clive Palmer has been ordered to pay US$ 1.2 million as damages to Universal Music on Friday for breaching the copyright of Twisted Sister’s 1984 hit song ‘We’re Not Gonna Take It’ in his political advertising.”
An Excellent Article on Fair Use!
Copyright Infringement Showdown: The Fair Use Doctrine
“One of the best ways to understand what the intent of Congress was in codifying the doctrine is to review the legislative history as to what sort of activities ‘courts may regard as fair use.’ These include…”
* Free Press
This Is Very, Very Bad…
White House Reporters are Allowing Biden Admin to ‘Edit’ Their own Quotes: Report
“The practice allows the White House an extra measure of control as it tries to craft press coverage.”
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