Senior White House Staff are Flagging Facebook Posts!; Archivist Sneezes on Priceless Document; Subway Chicken Defamation Suit; and More! In The News – 07-15-21

Senior White House Staff are Flagging Facebook Posts!; Archivist Sneezes on Priceless Document; Subway Chicken Defamation Suit; and More! In The News – 07-15-21


* Censorship
No matter which side of the aisle you’re on, this should TERRIFY you. Senior White House Staff Members are “FLAGGING” YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS! They are directly controlling what you can and can’t read!! Remember, if you agree with the current administration, you probably won’t when someone in another party is elected some day. THIS SETS A HORRIBLE PRECEDENT! 
Critics slam the White House after Psaki reveals it’s consulting with Facebook to ‘flag misinformation’
“While referencing the team’s actions, Psaki also revealed that (Senior White House Staff) are ‘flagging’ posts on Facebook as part of their efforts.”

* Publishing
Google Allegedly Continues to Flaunt Anti-Trust Laws
Google fined $593 Million in France Amid Battle Over News Publishing
“The French fine comes as countries around the world seek to force companies like Google and Facebook to route traffic to news sites to share a larger portion of their revenue.”

* Other
Bless You. I Mean…ACK!!!
An Archivist Sneezes on a Priceless Document. Then What?
“As the friend instinctively began wiping, the ink smudged. The more they wiped, the worse it got; the scene was practically the same nightmare that had been depicted on the old British TV show Mr. Bean.”

* Libel
What to do When you Can’t Even Identify your Libeler
Politics Professor wins £70,000 Libel Damages over False Claims he is a Sex Predator and Rapist but his Harasser has Still not Been Identified
“‘I am satisfied on the evidence that the claimant has never committed any form of sexual harassment, sexual assault, or rape.’ The individual behind the website did not engage with the court or attempt to defend the allegations.”

* Defamation
The Great Subway Chicken Mystery
Supreme Court Clears Path for Defamation Suit Against CBC for Show on Subway Chicken Content
“A Subway Expert on DNA Methods and Food Testing said the Tests were Seriously Flawed and Their Results Inaccurate.”

*Free Speech
UK Struggles With Internet Safety and Free Expression
UK’s Draft Online Safety Bill Raises Serious Concerns Around Freedom of Expression
“Among the core issues that will determine the bill’s impact on freedom of speech is the concept of ‘harmful content.’”

* Copyright
Online Piracy Getting Expensive
Man Sentenced to 12 Months Prison For Copyright Infringement & Tax Evasion
“In November 2018 a judge approved a search and seizure warrant targeting millions in cash and cryptocurrency assets.”

* Amazonannigans
As if There Wasn’t Already Enough, Now Hazardous Products
US sues Amazon for Selling Dangerous Products
“The CPSC wants to force Amazon to stop selling the products in question, to work with CPSC staff on a recall of the products and to directly notify consumers who purchased them about the recall and offer them a full refund.”




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