UP-SELL AND DOWN-SELL FUNNELS! How I Make More Money Because Of My Checkout Cart – by K.M. Robinson

UP-SELL AND DOWN-SELL FUNNELS! How I Make More Money Because Of My Checkout Cart – by K.M. Robinson

Selling books through our own websites is incredibly important. Fans love the chance to get signed copies of books, swag, and more directly from us. Not every check out cart is the same though and, because I was strategic with the one I picked, I make way more money on mine because I use an up-sell or down-sell funnel.

What’s that, you ask? It provides options for other items the customer might want to purchase before the finish checking out.

When fans come to my website and visit my store, they have the opportunity to buy books, swag, and more. Once they select the item they want, my check out cart then sends them through a funnel. This is something very few check out carts do. By simply asking purchasers if they’d like to add on a novella, a signed print, a necklace from the story, a custom tea that goes with my book, etc. they’re far more likely to say yes.

Based on their decision to add or not add that extra item, my cart continues to ask a few questions with higher or lower-priced items that are related to their initial purchase. All of these funnels are constructed by me on the back end of the system so that they aren’t being asked to add random items, but rather, have the chance to add qualified, related bonuses that I think they’d probably like if they picked up a copy of this book, or a tea from that series, etc. I even have the opportunity to allow them to add on bonus purchases for a sale price, giving them an even better deal.

By creating these funnels, I’ve made much more money than if they had just added the one item to their cart, and checked out without being asked any questions. The majority of the time, the fan would have never seen the bonus items I offer if they weren’t clicking on different pages of my site.

Sales carts that have these features are pricier to work with, but usually have a flat monthly fee instead of taking a cut of the sale. These are not right for authors just starting out with one book but no extra products to sell but, once you have more than one book for sale, and/or other items for your fans, it’s a great tool to add to your site. The earlier you can start implementing it into your author business, the faster you’ll start making that extra money.

It’s made a world of difference not only in my author brand, but in my other businesses as well. If you can’t afford it just yet, try creating a “you might also like” section within your shop on your website to at least make sure people are aware of other related items they might like to add on to their purchase. It’s well worth the time-investment to build out your brand, and make some extra money.


K.M. Robinson is a young adult author and professional social media strategist who has been interviewed by Facebook for her innovative work in the field of social media marketing and messenger bots. She’s also represented the USA in a major live broadcast for World Social Media Day, as well as sponsored for her work in marketing through live broadcasting.



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