The Antioch Review
P.O. Box 148
Yellow Springs OH 45387
Phone: 9377691365
Website: https://antiochcollege.edu/antioch-review/
Guidelines: https://antiochcollege.edu/antioch-review/writers-guidelines/
Editor: Shadia Alvarez, Senior Vice President
Email address: mailto:salvarez@antiochcollege.edu
About The Publication:
The Antioch Review, founded in 1941, is one of the oldest, continuously publishing literary magazines in America. We publish fiction, essays, and poetry from both emerging as well as established authors. Authors published in our pages are consistently included in Best American anthologies and Pushcart prizes. Finalist for National Magazine Award for essays in 2009 and 2011 and for fiction in 2010. We continue to serve our readers and our authors and to encourage others to publish the “best words in the best order.” Welcomes new writers. Responds in 4-6 months.
Pays $20 per published page. “We don’t publish pieces longer than 8000 words.”
Current Needs:
“As always, their best work.” Pays $20 per published page. “We don’t publish pieces longer than 8000 words.” Submit complete ms and SASE by mail.
Pays $20 per published page. “We don’t publish pieces longer than 8000 words.”
Welcomes New Writers: