Purpose Magazine

Purpose Magazine

Purpose Magazine
P.O. Box 866
Harrisonburg VA 22803

Website: https://www.faithandliferesources.org/periodicals/purpose
Guidelines: https://www.faithandliferesources.org/periodicals/purpose/docs/PurposeWriterGuidelines2019.pdf

Editor: April Yamasaki, Editor
Email address: PurposeEditor@MennoMedia.org

About The Publication:

“Purpose is a magazine of everyday inspiration with a focus on personal, true stories of Christian living that inspire and encourage older youth and adult believers wherever they may be on their journey of faith.” Welcomes new writers. Monthly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 7 months after acceptance. Buys first rights. No reprints. “All manuscripts must be submitted for one of our designated themes, and response time is generally 4-6 weeks after the deadline for that particular theme.”

Pays $30-$50

Current Needs:

“Original, true, previously unpublished stories on our designated themes. Manuscript length: 500-700 words. Themes and deadlines available on our website at https://www.faithandliferesources.org/periodicals/purpose.” Pays $30-$50/article of 500-700 words. Submit complete ms, maximum of 700 words, with a short writer’s bio (15-20 words) by email.

Pays $30-$50/article


: “We are looking for positive personal stories that express our designated themes, not general reflections or long, detailed accounts. Be sure to follow our writer guidelines and list of themes.”


“We are looking for positive personal stories that express our designated themes, not general reflections or long, detailed accounts. Be sure to follow our writer guidelines and list of themes.”

Welcomes New Writers: Yes