
International Living Magazine

International Living Magazine

International Living Magazine
Woodlock House, Old Carrick Road
PlanoPortlaw, Co. Waterford, IRELAND


Editor: Sean Keenan, Managing Editor
Email address:

About The Publication:

“International Living has been helping people discover the world’s best places to live, travel and retire since 1979. We know from experience that there are a host of places around the world that are cheaper…healthier…safer…freer…to live and retire in. In our monthly publication, International Living magazine, we share with our readers details of the those overseas destinations where they can improve their quality of life, lower their cost of living, and make money while living overseas. Discover everything from adventures in Panama to the best buys on the South of France property market…from how to open a bank account in your new country of residence to how to get the best deal on your next airfare…from the world’s best beachfront property bargains to the most reliable local attorneys to help you buy your new dream home…from island-hopping adventures in the Mediterranean to the best summer fiestas in Mexico.” Welcomes new writers. Monthly. Pays on publication. Publishes approximately two months after acceptance.

Pays $40-$350.

Current Needs:

“Travel articles from every destination outside of the U.S. It’s important that the writer had been to the place they are writing about and has specific information, tips and advice, and anecdotes that make their point, the kind of story you only pick up in a country or place. – Good advice and insider tips on cheap travel. How to get the best deals when traveling. This article shows readers how to travel cheaper, better, more comfortably, or more efficiently. – Stories of people (ideally retirees) who have moved overseas and are enjoying life in their new home. – Stories of people who have moved overseas and are earning money and funding their life. They can have opened a brick and mortar business or be working online. Pay ranges from $40 (for 150 words) up to $350 (for 1,500 words). “Pitch a fully developed idea to the magazine managing editor. Include some details about yourself.”

Pays $40-$350



“Before pitching an idea, read some of our content. There’s lots of it on our website. Do it with a pen in your hand. Don’t just read passively. The best freelancers analyze the content of a publication and an article. They pay attention to how things were put together. They write down the elements that went into it, the information, websites, contact details, the word count (roughly)…they really study the publication. Understand the publication and be sure to read the writer’s guidelines carefully. We are not a travel magazine. We are the niche publication for living and retiring overseas. No descriptive, run-of-the-mill articles. That’s not to say we won’t accept articles on gastronomy in Paris, or sight-seeing in Rome. But you’ll have to work harder to get the inside track, to find the facts that no one else has. If you can find it in the weekend section of your average newspaper, send it to them instead. What our readers really value is on-the-ground information, the sort of thing you can’t easily find online. They don’t subscribe for information; they subscribe for recommendations. If I visit Cotacachi, Ecuador, where should I eat and what should I do there? Our readers want to know this kind of thing from the people who’ve done it before. We want your opinion. Tell our readers how to do things, how to catch a cab, order a meal, buy a souvenir, start a business, buy real estate, find a new place, a hidden gem. Remember is that a destination is not an idea. We get tons of freelance submissions wanting to write about such and such a place. Okay…but that’s not an idea. An article about Paris: that’s been done a thousand times before. An article about the five best hidden restaurants in Paris: that’s more like it.”

Welcomes New Writers: Yes