Published on December 19, 2024
Paying Markets for Writers, welcomes new writers

“Adventure Travel Online Magazine. Sharing stories, trips, reviews and topics about adventure travel in North America.” Circ. online. Publishes stories daily. Buys all rights. No reprints. Responds within 24 hours Monday through Friday.
Pays $0.07/word and up or $45-$75 a piece.
Published on December 3, 2024
Paying Markets for Writers, welcomes new writers

“Canada’s only international adventure-travel magazine.” Warmly welcomes new writers. Bi-monthly print; weekly online. Pays on publication. Publishes manuscript within a month of acceptance if publishing online; longer for print.” Buys exclusive story rights; photo rights vary with the story. No reprints. Responds within a month.
Pays up to $50 (CAD) for online publication for 800-1500 words; competitive rates for longer articles in print.
Published on November 16, 2024
Paying Markets for Writers, welcomes new writers

GoNOMAD has published unique and inspiring travel articles since 2000, we are a leader in creative travel writing and, as such, we publish a new travel story every weekday. We are proud to have helped hundreds of travel writers get their start in travel writing, we publish stories from writers the world over. We are always looking for new stories about unusual and off beat travel and we pay for each published story.” Pays on publication. Publishes ms within 3-4 weeks after acceptance. Buys First N.A. Rights. No reprints. Guidelines online.
Pays $25/story with 1400-2000 words along with photos.
Published on August 9, 2024
Paying Markets for Writers, welcomes new writers

“Print edition is monthly with more frequent electronic products. Recreation News Media Group has unique access to the huge federal employee base (civilian and military) in the Northern Virginia, Washington, and Maryland areas. We cover Mid-Atlantic travel destinations. Most stories are assigned as we are working with local tourism offices, attractions, and accommodations.” 80% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Monthly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 1-3 months after acceptance. Buys first U.S. rights. Accepts reprints for a lower fee. Responds within 24-48 hours. Guidelines by email.
Published on February 29, 2024
Paying Markets for Writers, welcomes new writers

“International Living has been helping people discover the world’s best places to live, travel and retire since 1979. We know from experience that there are a host of places around the world that are cheaper…healthier…safer…freer…to live and retire in. In our monthly publication, International Living magazine, we share with our readers details of the those overseas destinations where they can improve their quality of life, lower their cost of living, and make money while living overseas. Discover everything from adventures in Panama to the best buys on the South of France property market…from how to open a bank account in your new country of residence to how to get the best deal on your next airfare…from the world’s best beachfront property bargains to the most reliable local attorneys to help you buy your new dream home…from island-hopping adventures in the Mediterranean to the best summer fiestas in Mexico.” Welcomes new writers. Monthly. Pays on publication. Publishes approximately two months after acceptance.
Pays $40-$350.
Published on February 9, 2024
Paying Markets for Writers, welcomes new writers

“A group of six travel offering travel inspiration and recommendations. As well as the main site, our specialist sites focus on honeymoons, singles holidays, family travel, short breaks and the USA.” Works with new writers, “but they will typically be either experienced travel writers or enter through our internship program. Pays within 7 days of publication. Publishes ms approx. 7-14 days after acceptance. “We retain the right to publish the article on our website and third-party websites through syndication programmes. Copyright remains with the writer.” No reprints. Response time varies. Sample articles online. Guidelines online.
Pays £50 – £100.
Published on January 25, 2024
Paying Markets for Writers, welcomes new writers

“An award-winning publication showcasing narrative travel stories from published book authors. Established 2006.” 100% freelance. Pays three weeks after publication. Publishes ms 1-4 months after acceptance. Buys first worldwide rights with 60-day exclusivity. No reprints. Responds within one week. Sample articles available online. Guidelines online.
Pays $100/article for 2,000-3,500 words.
Published on December 15, 2023
Paying Markets for Writers, welcomes new writers

“A reader’s travel magazine about Oregon.” 50% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Bimonthly. Pays on publication. Period between acceptance and publication varies. Buys N.A. rights for one year. Response time varies. Sample articles online. Guidelines online.
Pays $0.35-$0.50/word.
Published on December 7, 2023
Paying Markets for Writers, welcomes new writers

“Verge Magazine is North America¹s resource for ‘travel with purpose.’ We cover issues related to working abroad, studying abroad and volunteering abroad, as well as ethical and responsible travel.” 80% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Online publication. Pays 45 days after publication. Publishes ms 1-6 months after acceptance. Buys First rights. No reprints. Responds within 6-8 weeks. ”
Pays $35-$60 CDN.
Published on December 7, 2023
Paying Markets for Writers, welcomes new writers

“As the authority on Texas travel since 1974, Texas Highways provides readers with a curated guide to the state’s cities, small towns, hidden gems, and natural wonders. Stories focus on Texas’ scenic, recreational, historical, cultural, and ethnic treasures accompanied by strong photography highlighting the state’s natural beauty.” Welcomes new writers. Pays on acceptance. Publishes ms 3-4 months after acceptance. Buys all rights for 5 months. No reprints. Responds within 30 days. Guidelines available by email.
Pays $0.50-$1.00/word.