
That’s One Titillating Carrot!

That’s One Titillating Carrot!

Wednesdays are my errands days. I schedule everything I need to do outside of the house on that day. Of course, that means I’m way behind on my work each Thursday morning.

Yesterday, I had to take Mason to the orthodontist and then he and I attended our weekly guitar lesson together. Then, to the grocery store. (Thank goodness I didn’t need gas this week!!) On the way home, a stop by the church was necessary to see if any of our crops in the community garden were ready to harvest. The food is packaged on Thursdays, and given to food banks on Fridays.

I’ve been checking my carrots every week but they haven’t been ready yet. I look at the parts sticking out of the dirt, find one that looks about an inch in diameter, and I pull just one because I don’t want to waste any of them. And, until this week, they were all pretty small.

Yesterday, I leaned over, found what I thought was a good-sized carrot, and gently slipped it from the dirt. Boy of boy was I surprised when I pulled out a carrot that looked like a pole dancer!

I sent a picture to our pastor last night, telling him that I think the community garden needs an exorcism. 😉

Last night, after watering our plants here at home, I stuck my arm way down deep into Mason’s potato raised bed and, sure enough, the potatoes are ready! These were from just one plant.

We’ll be harvesting his potatoes here at home and his large bed in the community garden next week. We’re expecting a HUGE tater harvest this year for the food bank!! 🙂


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Angela Hoy lives on a mountain in North Georgia. She is the publisher of, the President and CEO of and AbuzzPress, and the author of 24 books.

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4 Responses to "That’s One Titillating Carrot!"

  1. Pingback: Guess the Weight of Mason’s Yard Long Bean Harvest, and Win a Free Book Publishing Package from BookLocker! (Plus, see who won last week’s tater contest!) |

  2. Pingback: Guess the Weight of Mason’s Tater Harvest, and Win a Free Book Publishing Package from BookLocker! |

  3. Pamela Allegretto  June 18, 2022 at 1:46 pm

    Beautiful potatoes!

  4. Linda G  June 16, 2022 at 9:46 pm

    But Angela you have to let them grow before you yank them out to see if they are growing. Nice potatoes, the kind I buy.

    Happy gardening!