Paying Markets

The Writer’s Arena

“Every week two authors will receive the same writing prompt from the arena. One author, a challenger, will come from you, the audience. The other author will be a member of the arena. Those authors will then have ten days to write a story that meets the parameters as outlined by the writing prompt. Ten days after the prompt is published, the stories will be published for all to enjoy. Over the next few days the stories will also be judged. Two judges have already been chosen and will each pick one story, awarding it one point. The third judge is you, the audience. In the comments section we encourage you to engage in discussion about the stories and to state which one you chose as your favorite. We’ll tally up those votes and weight them with the decision of the judges and declare a winner.“ 100% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Publishers two stories every week for four weeks, then one week off. Pays after publication. Publish ms after about a week after acceptance. Buys all rights. No reprints. Responds within 3-9 months. Sample copy available online at .…

Writer’s Digest

“Our charter publication Writer’s Digest literally “wrote the book” on writing and getting published. For more than 90 years, the experts at Writer’s Digest have been publishing books, magazines, competitions, conferences and distance education materials for writers who want to polish their skills and hone their craft. “ Welcomes new writers. 70-80% freelance. Circ. 77K. 8 issues/year. Period between acceptance and publication varies. Buys first rights. Occasionally accepts reprints. Response time varies. Subscription $19.96. Guidelines online at Pays $0.50/word. Articles fun 300-4,000 words.”…

The Georgia Review

“Published continuously since its 1947 founding at The University of Georgia, The Georgia Review is widely recognized as one of America's premier journals of arts and letters. Each quarterly issue (published in March, June, September, and December) is not only a generous gathering of distinguished parts—essays, stories, poems, art, and book reviews—but also an orchestrated whole, a one-time community of individual pieces arranged to complement and enhance one another. The Review is a frequent finalist for the National Magazine Award and has brought home “Ellies” for Fiction and for Essays. Our contributors and our readers come from every state in the country.” Welcomes new writers. 99% freelance. Circ. 3K. Quarterly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 6-9 months after acceptance. Buys First NA Serial rights. No reprints. Responds 2-4 months. Sample back issues available for $10 by calling 800-542-3481. Subscription $40, $55 foreign. Prose is paid at $50 per printed page; poetry is paid at $4/line.…

North American Review

"Our mission is to work hard to make literature and art matter." Paying market for artists/photographers only. Does not pay writers.…

The Chronicle of Higher Education

"The Chronicle Review runs a mix of idea-driven articles and essays situated in an academic context. Most of our contributors have academic affiliations, but we are open to freelancers who cover the world of intellectual and scholarly debate. We run reported pieces, short, memoir-style essays, long review essays, and timely op-ed style pieces online." Welcomes new writers. Circ. 64K. Weekly-bimonthly. Pays upon completion of line edits. Period between acceptance and publication varies. Buys 30-day exclusive rights. Responds one week. Sample copy available online. Subscription $76.…

Home Times Family Newspaper

“Home Times is a quarterly tabloid with interim Extra Pages newsletters and web site. It is Advocacy Journalism with a Biblical world view. We are cheerleaders for good people, ideas and values with News & Analysis, Commentaries, features on Home & Family, Arts & Entertainment, Lifewatch, Sports, Humor, etc. We suggest you send $3 for Guidelines and sample issues.” Welcomes new writers. 75% freelance. Circ. 3K. Quarterly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 3 months after acceptance. Buys first rights. Accepts reprints. Responds within a few days. Sample copies available by mail for $3. Subscription $15. Usually $5, $10 or $25 for poems, reprints, and original stories respectively, fee, etc.…

German Life

75% freelance. "Covers travel, cultural, historical, genealogical topics (in English) about Germany, Austria, Switzerland and German America." Welcomes new writers. Circ. 40K. Bimonthly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 6-12 months after acceptance; please allow 4 month minimum lead time. Buys first North American serial rights. No reprints. Responds 60 days. Sample on request by email or by mail with SASE. Subscription $24.95; $34 outside the U.S. Pay for features starts at $350 for 1200–1500 words.…

PI Magazine

“Journal for professional investigators. Features information to help investigators do their work professionally.” 90% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Bimonthly. Pays on publication. Buys first rights. Accepts some reprints. Responds one week. Sample copy available online. Subscription $39; $55 Can; $75 other. Guidelines available online. $50 for assigned book reviews; $75 for "PI Perspective".…

Missouri Life

“Missouri Life sets out to discover and explore the beauty of Missouri. The magazine showcases travel, food, history, and lifestyle writing.” Welcomes new writers. 75% freelance. Circ. 24K. Bimonthly. Pays on acceptance. Publishes ms up to one year after acceptance. Responds 1-3 weeks. Buys first rights. No reprints. Subscription $20. Guidelines not available. We don't have a flat fee or per word fee. It depends on the assignment.…

The Local Palate

“We represent the food culture of the South; the area we cover ranges from Maryland down to Florida and as far West as Texas. We collect personal stories about chefs, farmers, vendors, as well as other culinary personalities, in an effort to share the history of the varied culinary traditions across the South. We include recipes and "how-tos" for a wide variety of dishes and drinks. Our departments include: Key Ingredient, Season's Eatings, Toast of the Town, EATymology, The Interview, Test Kitchen, Culinary Class, Gourmet Getaways, and Oh! Pair.” 50% freelance. We welcome new writers in the South or with strong Southern ties. Publishes 8 issues/year. Pays 60 days after submitted invoice. Publishes ms two months after acceptance. Buys all rights. Sample copy available on website. Subscription $19.97. Guidelines available by email. Pays $250-$750 for 500-2000 words. Submit query by email.…

Pittsburgh Magazine

Associate Editors Sean Collier (Nightlife, Sports, Drinks and Spirits, Entertainment), Lauren Davidson (Home, Fashion, Lifestyle, Arts and Culture, Weddings and Brides), Kristina Martin (Dining, Food, Kitchen, Food). Welcomes new writers. Circ. 55K. Monthly. Pays on publication. Period between acceptance and publication varies. Buys all rights for first 90 days. Accepts some reprints. Subscription $15.95. Sample articles online. Our payments vary and are dependent on length, complexity, placement in the book and other factors.…

Transport Topics Publishing Group

“Transport Topics is the weekly newspaper of trucking and freight transportation. Our other publications include Equipment & Maintenance Update, iTECH and Light & Medium Truck.” 10% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Circ. 25K. Weekly. Pays on publication. Publishing time of ms varies. Buys all rights. Accepts reprints. Responds one week. Sample copy available online. Subscription $109. Guidelines available by email. Pays $0.75/word for 800-2000 words.…

TimberWest and Logging and Sawmilling Journal

“We cover the timber industry of the great northwest.” 80% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Circ. 9400. Bimonthly. Pays on acceptance. Publishes ms within 2-4 months. Buys first rights. Responds within four weeks. Subscription $4/issue. Guidelines available by email at Pays $250-$350 for 800-1100 words.…

School Nutrition

“Child Nutrition; Solutions and Strategies for K-12 School Foodservice.” Welcomes new writers. Sample copy available by email. Subscription $90, $135 outside the U.S. Payment varies.…

American Indian Art Magazine

“Focuses on art made by Native Americans.” 100% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Circ. 15K. Quarterly. Pays on publication. Period between acceptance and publication varies. Responds within three weeks. Subscription $20, $30 outside the U.S. Guidelines available by email. Pays $400 for 6000-7000 words. Submit query by email.…

ABILITY Magazine

"ABILITY Magazine is consistently ranked in the Top 50 Magazines in the World - and is the leading magazine covering Health, Disability and Human Potential. An award-winning publication, distributed by Time-Warner. For over 20 years, its mission has been to provide new insights into our individual levels of ability. From Diabetes to Spinal Cord Injury and celebrity interviews to CEO profiles, ABILITY covers the latest on Health, Environmental Protection, Assistive Technology, Employment, Sports, Travel, Universal Design, Mental Health and much more. Writers include MDs, PhDs, JDs, best-selling authors, U.S. Senators and advocates. Cover interviews consist of Movie and TV Celebrities, Business Leaders, Sports Figures, Presidents, First Ladies and more." Welcomes new writers. Bimonthly. Pays on invoice. Period between acceptance and publication varies. Buys all rights. Accepts some reprints. Sample copy available on Facebook. Guidelines available by email.…

Adventure Cyclist

“Adventure Cyclist is the only American magazine dedicated to traveling by bicycle. We also cover other recreational cycling topics but do not cover competitive cycling.” 70% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Circ. 46.5K. Publishes 9 issues/year. Pays on publication. Publishes ms one year after acceptance. Buys first rights. No reprints. Sample copy available online. Subscription $40. Pays $0.35-$0.65/word for up to 3500 words.…

General Aviation News

"General Aviation News is a twice-monthly magazine for general aviation enthusiasts, pilots and owners of small airplanes." 30% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Circ. 35K. Biweekly. Pays the 15th of the month after publication. Publishes ms 1-7 months after acceptance. Buys first NA rights. Accepts some reprints. Responds within two weeks. Sample copy available by email to Subscription $35. Pays $150 for 500-1500 words.…

Healthcare Journal of New Orleans and Healthcare Journal of Baton Rouge

"News, information, and analysis for local healthcare professionals." Welcomes new writers. Bimonthly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms within four months of acceptance. Buys all rights. Accepts some reprints. Responds within two weeks. Sample copy available online. Subscription $51. Guidelines available by email. Pays $0.30/word for 1000-2000 words.…