Paying Markets

PEN America

PEN America

PEN America stands at the intersection of literature and human rights to protect open expression in the United States and worldwide. We champion the freedom to write, recognizing the power of the word to transform the world. Our mission is to unite writers and their allies to celebrate creative expression and defend the liberties that make it possible.…


“brass|MEDIA is a multimedia company. We are currently looking for writers for magazine articles as well as blog posts for both of our blogs, and We’re also interested in other media, such as infographics, comics or videos. Sign up for our contributor list at the guidelines link below to access guides, pay scale information, and gain access to our email list, which distributes information about current writing opportunities. Our goal is to inspire and educate young adults in the 16-25 age range about the money side of life.” Welcomes new writers. Circ. 150k. Quarterly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms six months after acceptance. Buys all rights. Responds one week. Subscription $12.95.…

High Country News – ON 4/11/19, THIS PUBLISHER’S WEBSITE WAS DOWN.

High Country News – ON 4/11/19, THIS PUBLISHER’S WEBSITE WAS DOWN.

"High Country News is the nation's leading source of reporting on the American West. We publish an award-winning magazine, a popular website and a weekly op-ed column service, along with special reports and books. Through in-depth reporting, High Country News covers the American West’s public lands, water, natural resources, grazing, wilderness, wildlife, logging, politics, communities, growth and other issues now changing the face of the West. From Alaska and the Northern Rockies to the desert Southwest, from the Great Plains to the West Coast, High Country News covers 12 Western states and is the leading source for regional environmental news, analysis and commentary — an essential resource for those who care about this region." Circ. 35K. Publishes 22 issues/year. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 1-6 months after acceptance. Buys first North American rights. No reprints. Responds 2 weeks. Subscription information:…

Sparkle Magazine

Sparkle Magazine

"The mission of Sparkle is to help girls in grades 1-3 discover who God is and how He works in their lives. We strive to give girls the building blocks to create a living and dynamic faith in Jesus." .” 25% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Circ. 9K. Monthly (October through March). Pays on publication. Publishes ms approximately 6-8 weeks after acceptance. Buys First North American Rights. "The author retains copyright, and may submit the manuscript for publication elsewhere after it appears in Sparkle. Sparkle has first time printing rights. Second Rights—Rates are for a previously published article. Author must own copyright, or submit proof of permission to resell from the copyright owner. Simultaneous Rights—The author must notify publisher that the submitted article is being offered in another market that should not overlap our readership." Accepts reprints under special circumstances. Responds within 6-8 weeks. Sample articles on website. Subscription $10.70 (USD); $14.95 (CAD) Fiction/Non-Fiction Pays .03 -.05 / word, Poetry - $5-$15, Games/Puzzles - $5-$15…

SHINE Brightly Magazine Kelli Gilmore, Managing Editor. "The SHINE brightly mission is to equip, motivate, and inspire girls in grades 4-8 to become activists for Christ." Circ. 13K. Monthly (September to May_ with a double issue for September/October. Pays on publication. Publishes ms. 6-8 weeks after acceptance. "First North American Rights—The author retains copyright, and may submit the manuscript for publication elsewhere after it appears in SHINE brightly. SHINE brightly has first time printing rights. Second Rights—Rates are for a previously published article. Author must own copyright, or submit proof of permission to resell from the copyright owner. Simultaneous Rights—The author must notify publisher that the submitted article is being offered in another market that should not overlap our readership." Accepts reprints under special circumstances. Responds within 6-8 weeks. Sample articles on website. Subscription 1 Year - $13.95 USD, $18.70 CAD.…

Out West

"D&B Supply, a farm and ranch retail chain with stores in Idaho and Oregon, will launch a digital magazine this year as part of its content marketing efforts. This magazine, Out West, is meant to share friendly advice, useful insights, and engaging stories with folks who have a connection to the land, a love for their animals, and a penchant for hard work. Our aim is to enrich our readers' lives. Our audience will primarily be located in the West or more specifically the Northwest. We need two categories of freelance writers on an on-going basis." See current needs below. Pays on acceptance. Buys First North American Serial Rights for articles, poems and jokes. No reprint. Responds 10 days.…


"Wonder is an on-demand research network where bright minds like you come to explore intriguing and intellectually stimulating topics. With Wonder, you can earn while you learn. It's simple. Do research, get paid. The research you'll do serves as the bedrock for strategies and initiatives by our clients, who include top-tier consulting firms, VCs, and international marketing agencies. As a Wonder Analyst, you’ll choose where and when you want to work, learn about new topics, and develop useful professional skills. Best of all, you’ll get paid for each research request you complete! Pays $10-$16 per research task.…

"Ready to join the RoboWP team? Take your time answering the screening questions on the Google Form (link below) and tell us a little bit about yourself."" "RoboWP is a full-stack digital marketing services concierge with offices in Italy and USA. We cater to your business needs in all aspects, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, executing your company’s Internet marketing strategy, developing your brand’s equity, monitoring your business’s performance, increasing your online presence and growth, providing hosting, backups, security/performance audits, and realizing your custom requests and necessities. We're building a team of writers to create educational and industry related content for our recently launched blog. As we build our blog, we want to work on a long-term basis with some of the most talented marketing writers out there to help us develop high-quality content on a consistent basis. You will work directly with an editor to develop feature and story ideas. This job may require you to curate and correspond with thought leaders, influencers, and industry professionals to complete an article. These articles may appear on our website, Medium, or on other brand’s websites we collaborate with."…

Aviation International News

Welcomes new writers. 75% freelance. Circ. 35K. Every other month (plus annual Buyers’ Guide and Chinese edition). Pays on acceptance. Publishes ms 1-6 months after acceptance. Buys first rights. Rarely accepts reprints. Usually responds 1-2 days. Sample copy available; request by email. Subscription $42.95, $55.95 outside the U.S. Guidelines by email. We pay a minimum of $0.50/word, more for cover stories, and sometimes negotiate flat rates with regular contributors.…


SEQUESTRUM Phone: Fax: Website: Guidelines: Editor: R.M. Cooper, Managing Editor; Katherine Ivory, Fiction/Nonfiction Editor; Hoot Uhl,…

Red Sun Magazine

" Red Sun is a quarterly magazine that publishes science-fiction, fantasy, and horror fiction. We want quality entertainment. The stories can be dark. They can be violent. They can be gory. They can be humorous. They can be weird. They can be political. They can be speculative. They can be populated with any culture, any religion. With men, women, LGBT, black, white, or brown. We are particularly interested in war-themed science fiction five science fiction written by war veterans. In addition to fiction, we want interviews, articles, and reviews up to 5k words that are relevant to the genres we publish, to include role-playing games, board games, movies, television, etc. We also accept artwork & comic strips; no poetry. Art should fit the genres we publish." 100% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Quarterly. Pays within 30 days of publication. Publishes ms 1-2 months after acceptance. "We ask for exclusive rights to the author’s work for six months (the duration of a single issue’s run, plus two months), as well as exclusive anthology rights for a year, both to begin at the time of publication." No reprints. Responds up to 4 months. Sample available for purchase at Guidelines online at…

Elks Magazine

"Consumer publication that contains feature articles on a wide variety of topics as well as news of interest to members of the BPO Elks, a fraternal, charitable organization." 50% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Circ. 860K. Publishes 10 issues/year. Pays on acceptance. Publishes ms in 3-4 months. Buys all rights. Responds within months. Sample copy available by phone. Subscription $12. Guidelines available by mail. Submit query by mail. Pays $0.25/word for 1500-2500 words.…

The Savage Kick Literary Magazine

The Savage Kick Literary Magazine

“Savage Kick primarily deals with viewpoints outside the mainstream: honest emotions told in a raw, simplistic way. It is recommended that you are very familiar with the SK style before submitting. We have only accepted 8 new writers in 4 years of the magazine. Ensure you have a distinctive voice and story to tell.” Welcomes new writers. 20% freelance. Circ. 500. Annual. Pays on acceptance. Publishes ms 1-11 months after acceptance. Buys all print/electronic rights for two years. No reprints. Responds within 2-4 weeks. Sample can be purchased online. Pays 20-35GBP for 1000-6000 words…

The Technoskeptic

The Technoskeptic

“Technoskeptic is a magazine taking a refreshingly critical, even countercultural look at the impact of technology on society.” Welcomes new writers. 90% freelance. Publishes weekly updates online. Pays on invoice after final edit, net 30 days. Period between acceptance and publication varies - "Could be immediately or after a few months. The rights are generally work for hire but (we) could work out individual relationships." Accepts reprints depending on circumstance. Responds after a couple of weeks. Sample online at Subscription $5/mo. Pays flat fee starting at $75/article on a gradually increasing scale over time. Most articles are currently 1100-1400 words. Just send a cover email explaining your interest in the topic, with a link to some samples. Snail mail is okay, too, but will dramatically increase the response time.…

River Styx

“River Styx, now in its 39th year, is a tri-annual, non-profit, multicultural literary and arts magazine based in St. Louis. We publish thoughtful yet accessible, unpredictable yet moving literature and art.” Welcomes new writers. 100% freelance. Circ. 2K. Tri-annual. Pays on publication. Publishes ms within six months of acceptance. Buys first North American rights. No reprints. Responds within six months. Sample not available. Subscription $20. Pays at least $25/poem and $75/prose piece.…



Quill Content Address: 57 Rathbone Place London London W1t1JU United Kingdom Email: Website/URL: ATTN: Sarah Hytner-Marriott…

Quality Nonsense LTD.

Quality Nonsense Ltd 27 Mortimer Street London, London W1T 3bL United Kingdom Email: Website: ATTN: Richard…

Dakotafire Media

"Dakotafire's goal is sparking rural revival, one story at a time. Most of our stories are written collaboratively with weekly newspaper journalists in our region. We also accept freelance stories, or freelancers can contribute reporting to our collaborative stories. We cover the eastern Dakotas, especially the James River Valley. Our stories are published in a bi-monthly magazine, in regional newspapers and online at" Welcomes new writers. Circ. 14K. Bimonthly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms within two months. Accepts reprints. Responds one month. Subscription $25. Guidelines available by email. Pays $0.25/word for print, $100 flat fee for online.…

Super College

Super College Phone: Fax: Website: Guidelines: Editor: Kim Casement Email address: Kim Casement About The Publication: Current…

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