The Savage Kick Literary Magazine
MSP, 29 Alpha Road
Gorleston, Norfolk United Kingdom NR31 0LQ
Website: http://murderslim.com/TheSavageKick.html
Guidelines: http://murderslim.com
Editor: Steve Hussey, Editor
Email address:
About The Publication:
“Savage Kick primarily deals with viewpoints outside the mainstream: honest emotions told in a raw, simplistic way. It is recommended that you are very familiar with the SK style before submitting. We have only accepted 8 new writers in 4 years of the magazine. Ensure you have a distinctive voice and story to tell.” Welcomes new writers. 20% freelance. Circ. 500. Annual. Pays on acceptance. Publishes ms 1-11 months after acceptance. Buys all print/electronic rights for two years. No reprints. Responds within 2-4 weeks. Sample can be purchased online. Pays 20-35GBP for 1000-6000 words
Current Needs:
“Crime, confessional and realistic literature. Please, no excessive use of metaphors, similes, adverbs and adjectives. Keep the stories tight and page-turning.” Pays 20-35GBP for 1000-6000 words. Submit query using guidelines.
Pays 20-35GBP for 1000-6000 words.
“Not needed at present. We produce our art in-house.”
Avoid too many metaphors, similes, adverbs and adjectives. Force the story forward through event, character and dialogue rather than over-elaborate descriptions. Imagine you are relating the story verbally to a friend. Capture the energy, speed and enthusiasm of that rather than trying to be too arty. No, no, NO poetry… ok?”
Welcomes New Writers: Yes