German Life

German Life
1068 National Highway
LaVale MD 21502

Phone: (301)729-6190
Fax: (301)729-1720

Editor: Mark Slider, Editor.
Email address:

About The Publication:

75% freelance. “Covers travel, cultural, historical, genealogical topics (in English) about Germany, Austria, Switzerland and German America.” Welcomes new writers. Circ. 40K. Bimonthly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 6-12 months after acceptance; please allow 4 month minimum lead time. Buys first North American serial rights. No reprints. Responds 60 days. Sample on request by email or by mail with SASE. Subscription $24.95; $34 outside the U.S. Pay for features starts at $350 for 1200–1500 words.

Current Needs:

“Queries.” Pay for features starts at $350 for 1200–1500 words. Submit cover letter and query or complete ms by email or by mail with SASE.

Pay for features starts at $350 for 1200-1500 words.


“Images are required with text. Payment is for text and images unless other arrangements are made with editor.”


“Articles must have a strong connection to the German-speaking countries or German America. Please do not submit queries for articles that do not have a connection. Remember, German Life is a niche publication, not mass market.”

Welcomes New Writers: Yes