Quill Content
Address: 57 Rathbone Place London
London W1t1JU United Kingdom
Email: sarahhytner-marriott@quillcontent.com
Website/URL: www.quillcontent.com
ATTN: Sarah Hytner-Marriott
Pays Monthly via PayPal, based on £ 120-150 day rates
Do you have a killer eye for detail and a knack for capturing different tones of voice? Are you looking to sharpen your editorial skills and build up your experience in the world of content marketing?
We are looking for freelance English editors like you!
If you are looking for a job, Quill is purpose-built to produce high-quality content at scale and speed for global brands. To do that, we need awesome editors. And as the business is rapidly expanding, we need lots more of them! If you’re interested in applying, here’s the need-to-know:
Check copy for tone of voice and meeting the letter
Give writers feedback so they can directly edit copy for spelling and grammar, attention to detail and factual accuracy
Paid core skills training
Paid training on specific letters to give you the best possible chance of success
Content types:
Primary Content (product descriptions, category descriptions and buying guides)
We also produce products, white papers and lots of visual content
Retail (mostly fashion and home), travel, business, and more
Flexible, but usually 20-40 hours a week. Work is based on quality and reliability, so hours are not guaranteed.
Per piece, rates vary from project to project, but are based on £ 120-150 day rates. We also factor in the complexity of the work. Specialist content pays higher rates
Promotion Opportunities:
Opportunity to move into a high-profile editor or to join in-house team as a Production Editor or Editorial Trainer
How To Apply:
Start your application now by completing the editor test at: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/WBKBHBY