Prison for Online “Anti Government” Speech; Meghan Wins Lawsuit; New Trends in Publishing… – In The News 02/12/2021

MORE: Google now buying News; “Bookazines”; AND Free Speech Trampled
MORE: Google now buying News; “Bookazines”; AND Free Speech Trampled
MORE: Selling “News” to Facebook; Putin Jails Reporters – Shocking!
“Free the Nipple” on Facebook; Beowulf “Too White?”; and McCarthyism on the Rise Again – In The News 01/29/2021
Amazon selling products promoting violence against certain groups; Woman gets 43-year prison sentence for insulting king; Rioters targeting journalists??; and the man who kept C.S. Lewis’s legacy alive.
Imprisoned for writing about Covid; Those who participate in riots are not journalists; Forbes op-ed tells companies not to hire those who used to work for Trump; and PBS lawyer fired after several inflammatory videos surface
NYT accused of publishing communist China propaganda; US newsrooms continue to bleed journalists; Court fight over media access to cour cases; Twitter sued by computer repair shop owner; Woman find herself the object of elaborate fictional narrative/video posted online; and Court says libelous statements can’t be hidden from public
Kindle Lending Library is Kaput; Cheerleader’s “F*** School” Protected by 1st Amendment; Biden’s Laptop Not “Hacked”; and Star Trek/Seuss Parody Shot Down
Bad media moments of 2020, Best media corrections of 2020, Amazon continues to steamroll rivals and partners; NYT tricked; WA Post to add 150 jobs in 2021; Is it news…or propaganda?; and Covid bill contains piracy provision
Russian Media are FINALLY Going After Putin; Book Sales are Resilient in a Pandemic; Record Number of Journalists Imprisoned in 2020; Publisher Admits He Has “Little Ground” for a Lawsuit
More Media Layoffs! (or, what happens when “the news” becomes “opinions”); Net Neutrality shake-up; Stevie Nicks sell rights for $100M!; Dispute over translation rights to new Nobel Laureate; BookExpo – will it survive or not?