New Releases from

Stopping Time – by Ray Cutler

Stopping Time – by Ray Cutler

Two teenage friends inherit the ability to stop time. The biggest discovery in the history of mankind. A teenager reluctantly picks up his murdered father’s torch, creates a scientific formula that changes the world, and avenges his dad.

Stop Monkeying Around – by D. Feketa

Stop Monkeying Around – by D. Feketa

Stop Monkeying Around contains simple insights, reflections and practical exercises to provide the reader with the knowledge to realize the discovery of personal power, and that when applied, the result is that anything is possible.

Aliens Watch – by Lauryne Wright

Aliens Watch – by Lauryne Wright

A call for help has Rowan Layne going rogue, but it doesn’t take long for her extraterrestrial heroes and a mystery man to catch up and override her solo quest. Travel through time and root for giants in this seventh Other Worldly novel.

Traveling Adventure Road – by Charles W. Sasser

Traveling Adventure Road – by Charles W. Sasser

Sasser grew up in poverty in the Oklahoma’s Cookson hills to travel the entire globe as a professional writer, photographer, adventurer, US Navy journalist, police officer, US Army Green Beret soldier, and combat correspondent.

Guilty of No Wrongdoing – by Robbie L. Rogers

Guilty of No Wrongdoing – by Robbie L. Rogers

An explosive tale inside the Department of Defense maze concerning one moral man’s efforts to right wrongs. Lew Harris tries to free himself from his past doing what he thinks is right while often fleeing from those who see it differently.

Gettysburg: What Duty Demanded by Daniel P. Bricker

Gettysburg: What Duty Demanded by Daniel P. Bricker

Gettysburg was the turning point of the most tragic war in American history. This is an introductory study focusing on the command decisions, troop movements, and consequences on the participants’ lives in this pivotal battle.

A Greyhound Christmas Mystery – by Randall Wisehart

A Greyhound Christmas Mystery – by Randall Wisehart

Randall Wisehart is a retired educator. He taught middle school through graduate school. In addition to the Rachel Chance and Will Keller mysteries, he has also written three historical fiction novels for middle grades students and a book about teaching.

Randall lives in east central Indiana with his wife Tammy and their happily retired Greyhounds.