Angela’s Desk

Dirty Marketing

When someone boasts their book is a bestseller on, can you trust them? When someone brags that they've sold 10,000 copies in a month, are they being honest? When you type in a website URL and a competitors' pop-up ad appears on your computer screen, do you assume they're in business together? When someone says you're winner, are they trying to fool you into spending money? …

Writing to Help Others, Not to Make Money

I am adamantly against donating your time and writing to companies that seek to profit from your efforts while not sharing cash with you. However, if you are managing the distribution of your free work and it's for a good cause (and nobody's greedily profiting from your free work), then that's an entirely different scenario. …

When Your Customer Commits Fraud

Ordering something with no intention of paying for it is fraud, plain and simple. Unfortunately, there is a growing problem with this online that I want to make you aware of. The typical scenario is the customer orders a book, claims it's lousy, demands a refund, and threatens to report the author to the authorities if they don't comply. I recently received a letter from an ebook author who was the victim of one of these jerks. This week, I'm sharing her letter here along with my experience dealing with these types of criminals. …

Is That Lawyer Who’s Threatening You…Really a Lawyer?

Is That Lawyer Who’s Threatening You…Really a Lawyer?

A year or so ago, I was contacted by an attorney representing a firm that is listed in the Whispers and Warnings section of He said he would sue us if we didn't remove the complaints about his firm from our website. His emails were quite menacing in fact that we became suspicious. Aren't attorneys schooled in the art of subtle manipulation and vague threats? Aren't they trained to keep their cool at all times in order to prevail as the more intelligent animal in any debate? …

Don’t Miss This Great Job Board!

This week, I want to bring your attention to a stellar publisher who, despite his popularity and fame, always makes times for his readers and for other publishers and editors as well. …

When Editors Get Lazy

I think it's pathetic that some of the major freelance writing sites are too lazy to keep their boards clean and keep the information on their sites accurate... …

Don’t Compromise Your Happiness Or Morals For A Buck

Don’t Compromise Your Happiness Or Morals For A Buck

Despite a backache and my failed attempt to rid the bathroom of that endless pile of dirty laundry, I was actually in a pretty good mood this morning. I've been pretty cranky lately, which is the end result of dealing with too many jerks (rude people online), deadbeats (those publishers appearing in our Whispers and Warnings forum), and freaks (One guy keeps threatening to show up on our doorstep if we don't remove his warning. We had to get our attorney involved because we think he's a psychopath.). One of my New Year's Resolutions is to not let people get me down. I figure if I meditate enough and practice my new form of exercise, yoga, at least once a week or so (I have a phobia about exercising in front of other people), I will be able to be a calmer, more peaceful person. However, a fax I received this morning blew my New Year's Resolution right out of the water... MORE >>

Query Letters That Worked!

Query Letters That Worked!

Every day at, we receive emails from writers requesting advice on how to write query letters and how to improve their existing query letters. While we…

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