WritersWeekly Invoices Competitor $38,250 for Copyright Infringement


Bummer about Anne Wayman – but you are right to go after her this time. The old adage, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me,” applies here, I believe.




Thank you for the information about the copyright infringement. I subscribe to Anne Wayman’s site and receive those writing opportunities. I will be unsubscribing from her site immediately. I understand that my one subscription will not make a difference, but for me it is the principle of the matter.

I hope others will take whatever stand they can about this issue and support our individual hard work and writing as writers.


Dear Angela,

I am so sorry you had to write that article on copyright infringement. Oh boy, I can’t even imagine the hurt and fury you are feeling right now, and you are completely entitled. Talk about egregious! What, she didn’t learn her lesson eight years ago?! Please hang in there, I appreciate all your efforts.




Have you read what Anne Wayman posted to her homepage, annewayman.com?

“Honesty – Whether it’s honesty about her own abilities, the state of a project or an assessment of other’s work, Anne knows that a gentle telling of the truth often works unexpected miracles.”

Ha ha ha!
