Published on August 27, 2019
Contests!, diversify your writing income, writing career advice

A wife sitting next to her husband by the water, sun spots in her eyes, sees a sexy silhouette approaching, and says, “Not again…” No, he’s NOT cheating on her (because we advised participants to NOT write about the first thing that popped into their minds). Read the top three winning stories! They’re awesome!!
Published on August 27, 2019
diversify your writing income, writing career advice

Six imperative items to include in your email marketing campaign letters.
Published on August 27, 2019
diversify your writing income, social media, writing career advice

You may already be on LinkedIn but are you truly using all it has to offer when searching for new clients?
Published on August 22, 2019
diversify your writing income, writing career advice, writing tips

As a freelance writer, your business will slow down at times. Fill these slow periods with activities that will bring in future business!
Published on August 22, 2019
book marketing, diversify your writing income, Print on demand, richard, self-publishing, social media, traditional publishing, writing career advice

The secret to selling books online is NOT complicated!
Published on August 15, 2019
Print on demand, self-publishing, traditional publishing, writing career advice, writing tips

Angela quickly found the problem! And, it was the author’s fault…
Published on August 15, 2019
article ideas, diversify your writing income, editing, Networking, writing career advice, writing tips

What if you could turn your freelance writing business into a full-fledged business that requires far less work?
Published on August 8, 2019
worst book proposals and query letters, writing career advice, writing tips

Oh, yes! We know you’re excited!! Today, we’re going to share another installment of our popular column. Get ready to chuckle!
Published on August 8, 2019
diversify your writing income, specialty markets for writing, writing career advice, writing tips

Keeping an eye out for what trends are currently prevailing in companies, and even the government, can reveal a multitude of money-making opportunities for the motivated writer. Here are a few examples of how I landed several great projects by taking advantage of current trends.
Published on August 1, 2019
amazon, Book Reviews, self-publishing, traditional publishing, writing career advice

Writing any book is a huge commitment. I say it takes fire in the belly to tackle the task, get it to fruition, and then to actually get it online for the world to read….and criticize. That is the tough part. You put your heart and soul into creating this manuscript. It can take years […]