
How to Turn Your Blog or Facebook Posts Into a Book!

How to Turn Your Blog or Facebook Posts Into a Book!

Today, we’re discussing a super-easy way to turn your blog, Facebook, website, or other posts into a book!

At BookLocker, we are receiving an increasing number of emails from folks who want to turn their previously posted online content into books. Let’s face it. It’s easier to read multiple pages of content in book format vs. clicking and clicking through a blog or website. Finding golden nuggets of posts on a Facebook page is even more difficult, especially if they’re surrounded by funny memes and product or service promotions. And, you can SELL books but you can’t sell your free blog or Facebook posts. You can start making money on what you’ve already written!

Many of these folks, having never published a book before, are confused about the process. If this is something you are interested in doing, rest assured that it is NOT difficult!

If you’re wondering if your content is book-worthy, I’ll be very happy to review it online, and let you know. I will definitely let you know if your writing does or does not pass muster. Don’t worry. I’ll be nice about it. 😉

You can contact me with your Facebook, blog, website, or other link RIGHT HERE. I’d love to see your writing!

If you and we agree we’re a good fit, and after we’ve discussed your goals for your book, the first step for you would be to copy and paste all of the blog posts that you want to appear in your book into one MSWord document (or another word processing program). If that’s something you can’t or just don’t want to do, we know someone who can help you (freelance) at a very reasonable price.

Don’t worry about formatting at this point. BookLocker will do that for you. We just need all the posts in one document, which is what the printer requires for interior files. We will handle the interior formatting, cover design, online listings (i.e. Amazon), distribution, drop-shipping, etc.

Yes, it really is that easy!

This will help explain how the book publishing process works. We make it as easy as possible for new authors. This is what we do every day and the process moves quickly on our end. And, of course, we’re always happy to answer questions.

After a manuscript is accepted:

1. The author submits BookLocker’s contract, and uploads their final manuscript for formatting. At this point, BookLocker introduces the author to our amazing cover designer, Todd. The author then works directly with Todd to ensure his or her cover is exactly what he or she wants. 

2. BookLocker formats the interior file to the printer’s specs, and then sends that file back to the author for any final edits/changes. The “other guys” send an un-editable file to authors, which is ridiculous. The author must then create a list of edits they want made! It takes FAR more time to send lists of edits, providing the page number, the exact edit to be made, etc., etc. than it does to simply make the changes to the file on your end. Why do our competitors do this? Because they won’t want you to have a copy of your final file! And, they do this for a very greedy reason. 

3. Once the author sends the final manuscript back, we do a final formatting check, convert the file to pdf (the printer only works with pdf files), and send that to the author for approval. Then, the author completes a form where we ask them for their categories, keywords, list price, etc. We then submit that info. Ingram, the largest book distributor, for their automated system. (More on that is below.)

4. After the author approves the final cover design by Todd, he sends that directly to us. If the author is using their own cover designer, we’ll have already sent the final spine width to the author and they can then upload their final cover directly to us.

5. We set the book up in the printer’s system, and upload the interior and cover files to them. The printer processes the files, and sends the print galley (the first printed, bound copy of the book!) directly to the author via UPS 2nd Day Air. If the author finds they have additional changes to make after seeing the printed book, we must go backwards in the process a bit but that goes quickly as well.

6. Once the author approves the print galley, it goes up for sale! Yea!! Ingram sends an automated feed with the book’s info. to the online and brick and mortar bookstores. The book starts popping up for sale all over the globe, including on Amazon,,, and numerous other sites. Brick and mortar bookstores can order the book through Ingram’s system as well.

7. We begin the epub/mobi (ebook) process. We wait until this point to do that because, if the author has changes they want to make after seeing the print galley, we don’t want them to have to pay twice to change different sets of files. This process takes approximately two weeks. We do have a rush/epub service for an additional fee for authors who are in a hurry. 

The best part is, BookLocker usually gets a print book to market within a month (which is months faster than most of the “other guys”), and for less than the “other guys” charge for their own expedited publishing services!

If you’d like me to take a look at your Facebook, blog, or other posts online before you start gathering them into one file, I’ll be happy to do so! You can contact me with your Facebook, blog, website, or other link RIGHT HERE. I’d love to take a look, and send you feedback! 🙂

Angela Hoy lives on a mountain in North Georgia. She is the publisher of, the President and CEO of and AbuzzPress, and the author of 24 books.

Follow Angela: twitter | facebook | linkedin

Angela is the creator of the Original 24-Hour Short Story Contest!
Learn more here:


Angela is not only the publisher of She is President & CEO of,
a self-publishing services company that has been in business since 1998. Ask her anything.


3 Responses to "How to Turn Your Blog or Facebook Posts Into a Book!"

  1. Linda G  January 17, 2020 at 3:34 pm

    Hi Angela,

    Elizabeth Berg has a book out comprised of FB blog posts.
    Awesome idea!

    Linda G

  2. Pamela Allegretto  January 17, 2020 at 1:30 pm

    Excellent article. Shared on Twitter.

    • By Angela Hoy - Publisher of  January 18, 2020 at 4:19 pm

      Thank you soooo much, Pamela!!! 🙂
