I love writing, I love books, I love bookstores, and I love writing about the things that are important to me. Writing about a specific topic allows me to reach out to other people with the same interests. And, I love meeting them! I also love social media and all of the aspects my writing brings to me.
I always wanted to write a book and now I’ve written three…and I’m working on my fourth! I wish I hadn’t waited so long to do that! Being a successful self-published author feels very much like a life I once imagined was impossible but, by taking a chance, it became a reality.
I wish I had known years ago that, if you have a story inside you, the best thing to do is let it out.
You have to believe in your story and, if you want it to be a success, you have to be its biggest fan. You have to believe in it even before it’s created, write it, publish it, introduce it to the world, and make them come to believe in it as well.
Nobody wakes up one day and thinks, “I think I’ll write the next bestselling book!” But, for me, that was what my heart wanted to do even though I didn’t have the confidence to do it. Then, I asked myself, “What’s the worst thing that can happen?” I had a feeling a good thing would come out of it if I gave it my all.
So, trust yourself. Learn something new about yourself. Start writing, and see what happens and where it takes you. It may be a direction you never expected to go, but you may end up being exactly where you should be.
If you’re a budding writer, here’s the best advice I can give you. Self-publish!
It’s extremely rare for an unknown author to simply send manuscripts to commercial publishers, and be offered a deal. Just be sure to do your research if you decide to hire a self-publishing firm. There are many out there that are just looking to take your money, and offer you tons of costly services you really don’t need. Others are simply overseas criminals trying to get Americans’ credit card and bank info.
I published all three of my books with the help of Booklocker.com after being referred to them by a friend who was very satisfied with the assistance they provided. The process was much easier than I ever imagined, the cost was low, and my books were published and distributed in record time. I then used my own resources to market my book to the audience I had, and things spiraled from there. The relationship with Booklocker.com didn’t end there! They continue to be an important resource to me now that my books are out there in the world.
It takes hard work and determination to take an idea, write it down, and then nurture it into what you want it to say to your readers. I made a promise to myself, in the early days of my writing journey, that I wouldn’t let sales impede my love for writing, and wanting to share my story. Do I wish my book was #1 on the New York Times Bestseller list? Sure I do! But what I’ve learned is that writing is a passion and, like a seed, it takes time to grow.
I can tell you that I have been BookLocker’s best selling author for several months now!
Every writer has their own goals and definitions of success that pertain to their reason for wanting to become a writer. My goal has always remained the same, to have someone read my book, and have what I’ve written touch them in a positive way.
- How One of BookLocker’s Best Selling Authors Sells THOUSANDS of Books! By Gary Sturgis
- How to Build A Business Around Your Book To Boost Sales! By Gary Sturgis, Author of: Surviving Grief – 365 Days a Year
- 5 Tips to Not “Get Got” in Your Freelance Business! By Jennifer Brown Banks
- 8 Tips to Take Your Freelance Writing From a Side Hustle to a Sustainable Business – by Jennifer Brown Banks
- Australia’s Total Lockdown Almost Destroyed my Writing Business…But I Fixed That! – by Vanessa DeLargie
- How I’ve Sold Thousands of Books at Events I Organized – by Gary Sturgis, Author of SURVIVING: Finding Your Way from Grief to Healing
Gary Sturgis survived the greatest loss of his life and now works as a Grief Specialist, Bereavement Facilitator and Speaker, guiding and supporting others in their struggle with grief. He finds it an honor to help those that are grieving a loss navigate their way through the maze of grief in a very personal and meaningful way. He lives by the ocean in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Contact Gary directly RIGHT HERE. Gary’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SurvivingGriefGarySturgis
a self-publishing services company that has been in business since 1998. Ask her anything.
90+ DAYS OF PROMOTING YOUR BOOK ONLINE: Your Book's Daily Marketing Plan by Angela Hoy and Richard Hoy

We know what you're thinking. You're an author, not a marketer. Not to worry! We have more than a decade of successful online book selling experience under our belts and we're going to teach you how to promote your book effectively online...and almost all of our techniques are FREE!
Online book promotion is not only simple but, if you have a step-by-step, day-to-day marketing plan (this book!), it can also be a very artistic endeavor, which makes it fun for creative folks like you!
Yes, online book promoting can be EASY and FUN! Let us show you how, from Day 1 through Day 90...and beyond!
Donald Maass’s “The Emotional Craft of Fiction” taught me the same lesson you learned. That’s why I had the guts to write my novel, “Freeing Colt,” also a BookLocker.Com-published book. I fully agree with you, and congratulations on your success!