Published on February 13, 2020
book marketing, book signing advice, Print on demand, self-publishing, writing career advice

I can’t believe it! I am sooooo happy. It finally happened to me! After all these months of traveling through earthquakes, snow and ice storms, freezing temperatures, hurricanes, tornadoes, and the occasional sunny-warm days, I finally got to experience it!
Published on February 13, 2020
book marketing, diversify your writing income, Print on demand, promotional pitfalls, self-publishing, social media, traditional publishing

“My social media posts just aren’t working. I keep posting the same ad over and over again and my book is NOT selling. What am I doing wrong?”
Published on February 7, 2020
book marketing, Print on demand, self-publishing

The 4 key book marketing methods that I discuss below are all derived from knowledge that I gained from years of research, and trying a variety of book marketing methods. And, best of all, these are all no-cost to low-cost marketing strategies that you, an indie author, can begin using right now!
Published on February 6, 2020
author scams, Print on demand, self-publishing

Unfortunately, there are so many bad actors in the publishing industry now that many authors don’t know where to turn. Today, I’m sharing a list of what I feel are the absolute worst ways many of them are fleecing authors. AVOID BUYING THESE SERVICES!
Published on January 31, 2020

SELF-PUBLISHING 101: “Never, EVER pay someone hundreds to thousands of dollars to publish your book while ALSO giving them the rights to the files YOU paid them to create!” Which publisher does NOT take rights from authors?
Published on January 30, 2020
amazon, complaints, Complaints about specific publishers, Print on demand, self-publishing

Thinking about publishing your book through Amazon KDP? You might want to think again after reading the NUMEROUS quality, customer service, royalty reporting, and other complaints we found!
Published on January 23, 2020
diversify your writing income, Print on demand, self-publishing, traditional publishing, write that book, writing career advice, writing tips

These passive income streams may need work in the beginning stages but they can pay off in the long run. Passive income is the true definition of “making money while you sleep.”
Published on January 23, 2020
amazon, author, Print on demand, self-publishing, traditional publishing, write that book

Use this one simple trick when republishing your book to avoid confusing Amazon shoppers.
Published on January 16, 2020
diversify your writing income, Print on demand, self-publishing, storytelling, write that book, writing career advice

Here’s super-easy way to turn your posts into a book.
Published on January 9, 2020
book marketing, Networking, Print on demand, self-publishing, traditional publishing

I have scheduled a blog tour to promote my newest book. What’s the best thing I can offer to people who haven’t yet decided to buy my book?