How Do You REMEMBER Your Life in Order to Write About It? WITH MEMORY TRIGGERS!

How Do You REMEMBER Your Life in Order to Write About It? WITH MEMORY TRIGGERS!

I know how it is. You’re stuck in quarantine at home. You’re tired of spying on your neighbors out the window. You’ve binge watched everything worth binge watching. You’ve organized and reorganized the pantry, vacuumed under the beds, cleaned out the basement, categorized your lipstick shades, and cooked everything you saw in Pinterest in the past month…mostly NOT “nailing it.”

You’ve queried some magazines, and gotten some jobs, but you’re BORED. Bored OUT OF YOUR MIND! You want to write something FUN! What’s more fun (and easier!) than writing about YOURSELF???

The biggest problem with writing your life story is recalling all those great (and not so great) things that happened in your life, and then putting them in chronological order (if that’s how you want them presented in the book). Some authors write several “memories” (chapters), and compile them by subject, while others go the chronological route.

Several years ago, I created a how-to book on writing your autobiography or memoirs using hundreds of “memory triggers,” which are words and phrases that instantly take you back in time. The book instructs the author to use a notebook to record the memories that each memory trigger evokes, on a notebook page, for the year each event occurred.

For example, when I read the memory trigger “bully,” I recall that really nasty girl in middle school that made fun of my training bra. I would record a few words about that in my notebook on the page for Age 12 – 6th Grade so I could remember it during the writing process later. I also recall one of our children being pummeled when getting off the school bus after we moved to a new town, which later led to a bully pulling a fake gun our our child, the police being called, and that bully being sent to jail for assault with a deadly weapon (which was still valid even though the gun was fake). I was about 32 years old at that time so I would record a few words about that memory in my notebook on the page for age 32.
Each memory trigger will bring back memories from different times in your life and you’ll be able to record them all in chronological order in that way.

Here are some other memory trigger examples. Where do these words and phrases take YOU?

security blanket
first date
pretending sick
job loss
impulsive act later regretted
celebrity you know, or have met
school principal (I, personally, could fill an entire notebook with those memories!)
unusual talent
practical joke
the saddest day
memorable gift
pen pal
Fourth of July
holiday when you were broke

I won’t give away all of the ones in the book here because there are HUNDREDS of them.

The book also includes instructions on how to organize and write your autobiography or memoirs. Best of all, you only need the book (instantly downloadable), and a blank notebook.

You can buy the ebook for only $1.99 (I lowered the price 80% today for you guys and gals because I know how bored you are) so you can start your trip down memory lane RIGHT NOW!

Check it out! Your children and future grandchildren will thank you. ๐Ÿ™‚

Oh, and if you’re a ghostwriter working on someone else’s memoirs, this book works for that, too! And, some of the memories evoked by this book can lead to article ideas for magazines. ๐Ÿ™‚

HOW TO REMEMBER, WRITE AND PUBLISH YOUR LIFE STORY (Includes hundreds of Memory Triggers!)
Remember Your Past, Write It, and Publish It in as little as 12 weeks!

This book is only available through


Got questions about Print On Demand and Self-publishing? Ask Angela Hoy.

About The Author


Angela Hoy is the publisher of, the author of 19 books, and the co-owner of (one of the original POD publishers that still gets books to market in less than a month), (print and ebook design for authors who truly want to self-publish), and Abuzz Press (the publishing co-op that charges no setup fees).

Angela has lived and traveled across the U.S. with her kids in an RV, settled in a river-side home in Bradenton, FL, and lived on a 52 ft Irwin sailboat. Angela now resides on a mountaintop in Northwest Georgia, where she plans to spend the rest of her days bird watching, gardening, hiking, and taking in all of the amazing sunrises. - the free marketing ezine for writers, which features new paying markets and freelance job listings every Wednesday. - According to attorney Mark Levine, author of The Fine Print, BookLocker is: "As close to perfection as you're going to find in the world of ebook and POD publishing. The ebook royalties are the highest I've ever seen, and the print royalties are better than average. BookLocker understands what new authors experience, and have put together a package that is the best in the business. You can't go wrong here. Plus, they're selective and won't publish any manuscript just because it's accompanied by a check. Also, the web site is well trafficked. If you can find a POD or epublisher with as much integrity and dedication to selling authors' books, but with lower POD publishing fees, please let me know."

Abuzz Press offers FAST and FREE book publication, but only accepts a small percentage of submissions, and only works with U.S. authors. - "We Prep, You Publish!" Print and ebook design for authors who truly want to self-publish. Offers formatting and design services only, and then provides simple instructions for authors on where to sign up to have the print and ebook editions printed/listed/sold. Cut out the middle man. Keep 100% of what bookstores pay for your book!

Angela's POD Secrets Revealed Series can be found HERE.

Have a POD Book with another publisher? See if BookLocker can give you a better deal. (BookLocker offers "disgruntled author discounts" to those who want to move from other POD services.)

See BookLocker's publishing packages HERE.


BOOKLOCKER ON FACEBOOK - Provides links to free excerpts!



Angela is the creator of the Original 24-Hour Short Story Contest!

Read More Of Angela's Articles HERE

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