Published on October 30, 2019
author scams, book marketing, promotional pitfalls, self-publishing, traditional publishing, writing scams
Why in the world would an author PAY people to read his or her book rather than the other way around?!?! I’m having a hard time trying to think of a worse book review deal for authors!
Published on October 10, 2019
amazon, createspace complaints, promotional pitfalls, self-publishing, writing career advice
Sometimes competitors and others test to see if we really do screen manuscripts that we’re considering for publication. Yes, we absolutely do! We rejected the poetry book written by the dog of an author. That was memorable. There was the…
Published on September 3, 2019
amazon, legal, promotional pitfalls, social media
MORE: First Christian florists and bakers, and now movie-makers not allowed to choose their own clients; Print and audiobook sales UP; Dumb magazine photoshops teen’s head onto nude body; Russian blogger imprisoned for REALLY stupid Tweet.
Published on August 8, 2019
author scams, promoting your writing, promotional pitfalls, self-publishing, traditional publishing, writing scams
Is this publisher committing extortion???
Published on July 26, 2019
book marketing, promoting your writing, promotional pitfalls, richard, self-publishing, traditional publishing, writing career advice
You might be surprised to learn that my #1 recommend method of book promotion is Facebook advertising. But, not the way you think…
Published on July 26, 2019
copyrights, legal, promotional pitfalls, self-publishing, traditional publishing, write that book, writing career advice
You can’t use any photo you want, for any reason, just because you paid for it.
Published on July 18, 2019
amazon, Networking, promotional pitfalls, self-publishing, traditional publishing
A ding dong at Amazon told an author publishers can remove reviews.
Published on June 21, 2019
promotional pitfalls, self-publishing, writing career advice, writing scams
I was contacted recently by an author who did attend one of these. He was initially impressed and excited because “so many” publishers had authors in attendance. But what he didn’t know was…
Published on May 24, 2019
article ideas, promotional pitfalls, writing career advice, writing tips
I don’t know how any writer can claim to be a serious writer when presenting their “work” in this way…
Published on May 24, 2019
book marketing, Print on demand, promotional pitfalls, self-publishing, traditional publishing
I was spammed by a well-known book publicity firm last week so I took that opportunity to ask them a very simple question. All authors who are considering paying a marketing firm upwards of $1,000 or more should ask the same question…