Do Market Research BEFORE Marketing!! By Amy Keeley

A successful business looks to see if there’s a demand for what it’s trying to sell…before it starts the selling process.
A successful business looks to see if there’s a demand for what it’s trying to sell…before it starts the selling process.
You’ve got many low-cost and no-cost promotional options to choose from. Here’s the good news. Your zero-cost efforts will often out-perform paid marketing! Yes, it’s true!
I ordered a copy of my own print on demand book from Amazon. I was then shocked to receive an email. They cancelled my order!
Imagine going to a bookstore, and buying a non-fiction book on how to holistically treat a venereal disease you picked up last week, or a book on…
The 3 Do’s and 1 Don’t of craft fair bookselling!
Help reporters who need sources and promote your book!
To write effectively for a businesses, you have to understand where that business is strong, where it needs improvement, and where it needs to change direction. Showing potential clients that you understand the importance of these items can greatly increase your chances of landing long-term writing work.
There are more Spanish speakers around the globe than English speakers. And, they buy books.
Local chamber events allow you to naturally interact with local businesses. Rather than cold-calling a business, you get to know each other through meetings and networking events. Then, when you send a Letter of Intent (LOI) or a pitch, you are a familiar face with knowledge of their business!
By following some basic guidelines, and avoiding certain pitfalls, you can make a great impression, and keep your audience enraptured!