“Can you publish my public domain line of books?”

Public domain books have become the pariahs in the industry.
Public domain books have become the pariahs in the industry.
A hybrid publisher charging no setup/design fees to authors. “Abuzz Press pays the design and publication fees, which include: interior formatting assistance, professional cover design (no boring templates), ISBN and barcode, printer setup, and print proof (the first printed/bound copy of your book, which will ship directly to you for approval). Also includes ebook formatting/conversion. Distribution – Print Edition – We will list the book with Ingram, the world’s largest book distributor. Our print books are listed in Amazon.com, BarnesandNoble.com, BooksAMillion.com, Chapters.ca and many other online bookstores, both domestic and foreign. Any bookstore with an Ingram account can pick up Ingram’s feed so you’ll find your book listed in stores you’ve never heard of. Most bookstores use Ingram’s database to find and order books so readers can ask their neighborhood bookstore to order your book as well. Your readers can also walk into their neighborhood bookstores and ask them to order a copy. Ebook Edition – Our ebooks are listed on Amazon.com (for the Kindle), BarnesandNoble.com (for the Nook), Apple (for iPads, iPods and iPhones), and Kobo (Canada’s popular ebook retailer).” Welcomes new writers. Publishes up to 30 titles/year. Pays royalties. Three-year exclusive contract required.
Pays royalties.
I have paraphrased the garbage email sent to this author (with my snarky comments inserted in italics). ENJOY! 😉
It’s been a few months since we checked on Draft2Digital so we thought we’d take another peek. Boy oh boy, have they made some authors mad…
Would YOU have invested money in a company with THESE numbers? I can’t believe a firm with only four employees (at that time) had that much debt!!!
Angela, I got through to Infinity Publishing on the phone. They are willing to send me the production files for my 3 books…
Some of our competitors asked me not to share this publicly.
The Online Book Club is giving me a strong sales pitch…
One company. Three huge red flags!