Published on August 5, 2022
Censorship, copyrights, legal, libel
MORE: Better Call Saul has been sued and you won’t believe why!; Publisher admits inserted material into author’s book without permission, Stephen King testifies against merger of two of the largest publishers; Librarian collects items left in books; and Alex Jones won’t recover from his stupidity and arrogance.
Published on July 15, 2022
amazon, Censorship, legal, libel
MORE: Author tries to stop cancel culture from banning Founding Fathers who signed the Declaration of Independence; Story hour drag queen admits drag is a political tool being used to destabilize children’s early understanding of sex; Journalist back on Twitter after suing the company for censorship; Another parent is silenced when trying to read a book to the school board because the book, available to children, is considered p*rn; Ohio college hasn’t paid libeled bakers and they now owe millions more in interest; and Professor sues university over free speech
Published on July 8, 2022
author, copyrights, legal, libel, Print on demand, self-publishing, traditional publishing, writing career advice
While it may be tempting to take shortcuts, and “borrow” from others without permission, don’t do it. EVER.
Published on June 16, 2022
amazon, legal, libel
MORE: Amazon chat app has a s*x abuse problem but “little is being done to stop it;” Associate Press gets caught in a HUGE lie!; Amazon using intimidation tactics to prevent unionization, including calling police on workers!; Netflix sued for defamation; In Japan, one year in jail for online insults; and Sports Illustrated tweet on Supreme Court case roils social media
Published on June 10, 2022
amazon, copyrights, legal, libel
MORE: Amazon exec. in charge of consumer biz resigns; NY freelancers now protected by new law; True crime documentary about the horror writer turned killer; Google/YouTube liable for defamation in Australia; Courageous Ukrainian journalist confronts Russia’s Sergei Lavrov over grain theft; Female authors now outnumber male authors in Israel; Mariah Carey sued over famous Christmas song; and The Washington Post is a big hot mess!
Published on May 28, 2022
Censorship, legal, libel
MORE: Barriers being removed between authors and Hollywood; Newspaper publisher is giving away his business; Notorious mobster has published his autobiography; Removing library fines brings more books and patrons back; Children being force-fed woke curriculum; Man sued after creating fake email account; China continues to crack down on online dissenters; Big tech is a threat to free speech; NYC is giving inappropriate curriculum to 5 year olds; State Farm abandons program that advocated giving gender identity books to 5 year olds; and Florida university professor reinstated after getting fired for tweets
Published on May 20, 2022
amazon, Censorship, copyrights, legal, libel
MORE: Federal court deals setback to first amendment suit against Elizabeth Warren; Chicago mayor does photo-op in Texas bookstore when she should be working to stop shootings in her own city; Is People magazine closing its print division or not?; How far should social media companies be allowed to go with monitoring users?; Former NY Post digital chief settles explosive lawsuit; Author drops lawsuit over cocktail book; Newspaper gets sued for calling a billionaire an Oligarch; and The parody defense to a copyright infringement lawsuit was successful for this firm.
Published on May 13, 2022
Censorship, legal, libel, plagiarism
MORE: US Nave Chief takes woke books off the reading list; Novelist (allegedly) accidentally confessed to killing husband; Kanye West used sound recordings of sermons, and got sued for copyright infringement; Rhode Island school board removes honors classes for “equity” reasons; Can rapper’s lyrics be used against him in criminal case?; Irish government accused of paying newspaper to publish puff piece; Writer pays off $48K in student debt in just 14 months; Disney targeted with copyright legislation; US obtained subpoena to access reporter’s phone; Member of Hollywood Foreign Press Association has sued the organization alleging sexual harassment, discrimination, and breach of contract.
Published on May 13, 2022
legal, libel, writing career advice
Just like any other profession, freelance writers are equally susceptible to legal action.
Published on May 7, 2022
amazon, Censorship, copyrights, legal, libel, plagiarism
MORE: When media execs perpetuate lies; Hunter Biden laptop repairman sues several media outlets; Texas library assoc. hosts drag queens; Don Lemon assault accuser drops lawsuit; NBC News admits plagiarism; Authors condemn publication of Gender-Critical Feminism; and Police officer CRIMINALLY charged with defamation