I Need Your Help Understanding This Cancel Culture Thing (WARNING: Contains “offensive” material not suitable for minors)
Before you think that, by being white, I’ve never been a “victim” myself, read this…
Before you think that, by being white, I’ve never been a “victim” myself, read this…
Government’s Wall of Silence on Border; HuffPo Employees Lose Jobs in Buyout; Fashion Designers Sue Fashion Bloggers over Defamation – And MORE!
“I’m Not a CAT!”; Racial Discrimination Lawsuit against Amazon; Christian Publisher Pulls Author’s Works After Sexual Misconduct; $10,000 to Complain about ATT Internet Service…and MORE!!
MORE: Facebook is changing; Amazon Top Executives Leaving; Google Angers French Media; and Amazon Sues to Stop Lawsuit
“Free the Nipple” on Facebook; Beowulf “Too White?”; and McCarthyism on the Rise Again – In The News 01/29/2021
Imprisoned for writing about Covid; Those who participate in riots are not journalists; Forbes op-ed tells companies not to hire those who used to work for Trump; and PBS lawyer fired after several inflammatory videos surface
World Book Day; and Facebook controls what THEY want you to see but their censorship policies make no sense.
More: ESPN the Magazine stop print publication; Amazon sues over Amazon (alleged) work-from-home scam; Author edits book to satisfy publisher/readers; Novel killed after online complaints by people who hadn’t read it; and More censorship in Russia