Published on February 17, 2022
Book Reviews, Censorship
I have several screenshots of drawings from the book that are so offensive that I can’t post them here. If you want to see them, let me know and I’ll send them to you via email. What you didn’t get to see in the comments under my article were the supportive emails I received from people who were too afraid to post comments (because they were afraid of the cancel culture mob). I also received several emails that were very disturbing…
Published on February 10, 2022
book marketing, Censorship, storytelling
When I was nine years old, I managed to get my hands on “Forever” by Judy Bloom. I devoured it. And, I came away a much more “knowing” 9-year-old girl. I won’t go into details but, at my maturity level back then, I had no business reading graphic teenage sex scenes and part of me changed during and after reading that book…
Published on February 10, 2022
author solutions, authorhouse, Censorship, Complaints about specific publishers, iuniverse, legal, pod complaints, trafford, writing scams, xlibris
MORE: Russia retaliates against international broadcaster; Psychologist sues medical journal authors; Entertainment Weekly, InStyle, EatingWell, Health, Parents and People en Espanol to layoff 200, cease print publication; Schools increasingly less likely to be teaching children about sexuality; and Did Israeli police spy on journalists, politicians, and businesses?
Published on February 5, 2022
amazon, Censorship, legal, libel
MORE: Amazon Must Pay $50K for Firing Christian Employee; Facebook censors another pro-police book; Germany trying to get Twitter users’ info for prosecution purposes; 77% tested at Baltimore high school read at elementary level, some at kindergarten level; The publisher who takes in “cancelled” books and authors; Law prohibiting filming cops in Miami might get squashed; Journalists who can’t carry firearms are being killed in Mexico; and Is Forbes about to be controlled by China?
Published on January 27, 2022
amazon, Censorship, copyrights, legal, libel
MORE: The feds are hiring writers to create future court testimony for government officials; The latest books that are victims of cancel culture; Ha ha ha! Actress’ fans sue for $5M because she was cut from a movie; CNN says Sarah Palin vs. New York Times trial will be “excruciating” for the paper; Amazon driver faces off with a bear!; ABBA settles lawsuit with stupid band that used their name; NYC professors sue over “anti-Semitic” Union; Author commits suicide after pedophilia accusations and then people burned his books at his grave; and Major booksellers accused of selling anti-Semitic book that was plagiarized from other sources.
Published on January 15, 2022
Censorship, legal, libel, Print on demand, self-publishing, traditional publishing, writing career advice
A book you’ll be publishing for the masses is NOT the place to settle a score, even if you think you’re doing it anonymously…
Published on January 13, 2022
Censorship, Journalism, legal, libel
MORE: Worship leader and author claims Harper Collins terminated his contract over political views; Atlantic sued for $1M over viral retraction; Drag queen story hour AT CHURCH; Should social media companies be liable for radicals’ behavior on their platforms?; NPR is unrecognizable; and Neo-Nazi leader guilty of intimidating Jews and journalists
Published on January 7, 2022
Censorship, legal, libel
MORE: Print book sales stay at historic highs!; Free speech is dead in Hong Kong; Actor Chris Tucker turned down $10M movie roll to set a good example; Mainstream media crumbling because people just don’t trust them anymore; National Geographic and author Kara Cooney may be in the crosshairs of Kyle Rittenhouse’s attorneys; and Vanity Fair reporter regrets not publishing Jeffrey Epstein story.
Published on December 31, 2021
Censorship, legal, libel
MORE: Parent “corrects” teacher’s union letter that was riddled with errors; Markle receives public apology after paper published her personal letter; Two states want to FORCE publishers to offer their ebooks to libraries; Americans avoiding news outlets that have turned into propaganda machines; Dan Brown settles lawsuit brought by ex-wife; Hong Kong police arrest newspaper staff; BBC admits that interviewing Alan Dershowitz was a mistake; Mainstream media’s top 10 missteps of 2021; Oklahoma bill will allow parents to have s*xually explicit books removed from school libraries; and Minnesota school board to pay all non-white teachers more money.
Published on December 23, 2021
amazon, Censorship, legal, libel, social media
MORE: Chef’s response to travel writer’s bad review goes viral; Photojournalist sues to block subpoena; Fortune magazine story may help send businesswoman to prison; Money-hungry Amazon deleted reviews criticizing Chinese President Xi Jinping’s book; Amazon workers stage walk-out over treatment and wages; Amazon driver told she’d be fired if she heeded tornado warning; Wife of French president sues over posts saying she’s a dude; China is influencing and FOOLING Americans with fake social media posts; HILARIOUS parody posted by a publisher; and Harper Collins settles lawsuit