book marketing

How I Learned to Promote My Own Books by Getting Paid to Promote Someone Else’s! – by Johnny Townsend

How I Learned to Promote My Own Books by Getting Paid to Promote Someone Else’s! – by Johnny Townsend

Promoting our own books is hard work. For many writers, promotion feels unnatural, perhaps tacky, and even a little tainted. However, I was able to develop several useful promotional skills while working for a small publisher promoting their latest release, and you can do the same!

Amazon is Cutting Back on Buying/Stocking Books! AUTHORS, HERE’S HOW TO SAVE YOUR BUSINESS!!

Amazon is Cutting Back on Buying/Stocking Books! AUTHORS, HERE’S HOW TO SAVE YOUR BUSINESS!!

Amazon will stock inflatable party sheep, and a 55-gallon barrel of lube (yes, really), but they’re cutting back on stocking books?!?! Some authors and publishers are lamenting the fact that Amazon has abandoned the very market that helped them get their start. DON’T WORRY! HERE’S HOW TO CONVINCE YOUR READERS TO BYPASS AMAZON ALTOGETHER!

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