Writing is a Drug! By Shaunna Privratsky

Writing is a Drug! By Shaunna Privratsky

Have you discovered the secret yet? Do you get a heady feeling when the words are flowing almost faster than you can type? Do you “wake up” after a really good chapter or article is finished, and realize three hours just flew by? You could be hooked.

Once you tap into the wellspring of creativity that writing unleashes, you are on an exhilarating ride. It is full of ups and downs, peaks and valleys, triumphs and failures. But every step is an adventure, a journey of discovery that can only be experienced by you.

The process of writing is unique to each writer, whether you are a novelist, a playwright, an article writer, a marketer, an essayist or a poet. The beauty of your own experience and voice shines through each manuscript, just like fingerprints.

In Stephen King’s book, On Writing, he wrote about the accident that almost took his life. Simply put, he said “Writing saved me.” I can relate to that! Almost 14 ago, our lives changed drastically. I went through a very dark period where the thought of death seemed like a welcome relief. Pouring out my feelings and grief onto the page healed me somehow, and brought me back into the light.

Now when I write, it is a comfort. It is a familiar rush but different every time. I never know how fast my thoughts will form on the page or how difficult it will be to get to the heart of the matter, yet the thrill is in the experience.

You know you are in the zone when the physical world drops away, when you are no longer hungry or thirsty or tired or depressed. The magic of the world you are creating takes over and you are in it up to your eyeballs, experiencing everything your characters face. Whatever you can dream up comes to life and you are just hanging on for the ride.

Success comes when you can harness that power to make a living doing what you love. Tap into whatever brings you joy and makes your heart sing. When your words move someone else, you’ve made a connection, like a living wire stretching between, and igniting the spark of acceptance and validation. Enough sparks build into a creative storm, unleashing a world of possibilities.

So, get addicted. Tap into that vein of creativity. Harness the power of your mind. Feel the rush of joy when you make that sale or finish that book. Don’t let anything stand in your way. Let the magic flow over you and consume you. Dive into the drug of writing.

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Shaunna Privratsky has been writing and publishing for 14 years. Between writing, reading and gardening, she is always on the lookout for new story ideas. Please sign up for the free newsletters at The Writer Within You can also visit Shaunna on Google+.



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One Response to "Writing is a Drug! By Shaunna Privratsky"

  1. pamelaallegretto  May 6, 2017 at 12:28 pm

    Lovely, uplifting article!