Every freelance writer needs to take advantage of Profnet as a resource to find sources and quotes for articles and books. I discovered Profnet about fifteen years ago when I was in need of a few quotes from “experts” for a health article I was writing. A fellow freelance writer asked me if I had heard of Profnet, and sent me the link: https://prnmedia.prnewswire.com/profnet/
I was so relieved to find a site that is basically a clearinghouse and database for experts in every subject from A to Z. And, Profnet has vetted the experts ahead of time so, if you need a quote from a cardiologist, you can count on their credentials being top-notch.
When you visit their website you can sign up for free as a journalist and, a few moments later, you can start filling out a short online form to solicit whatever types of quotes, tips, and information you need. Profnet will review your request very quickly, and get back to you if they need anything clarified. Profnet sends out queries to those PR specialists and experts many times throughout the day and night. That means if you need a last minute quote or additional information for a project you are working on, it won’t take long before you will start hearing back from the professionals.
Sometimes the experts will respond with exactly the information you are looking for. Other times, they may ask a few questions to perhaps see if you are looking for additional information on the topic, or find a new angle to cover.
And the best part about using Profnet? It can lead to new contacts and new assignments! For example, whenever I receive a quote from an expert via a marketing or PR agency, I always thank them for their help…and also let them know that I am available for freelance projects. A recent quote I received from a mental health professional shared with me that she is a source for two online psychology publications. She shared the name of the publications and the editors’ contact info. Within 24 hours, I had received assignments for three new mental health articles!
At the present time, Profnet has more than 14,000 public relations professionals who represent hundreds of thousands of experts…and those experts are ready and willing to help a writer with their articles and books.
Secure Interview Before Query or Vice-Versa?
Do I Need to Pay Interview Subjects?
Interviewing Helped Me Break Into The Nationals By Christina Katz
Ask and You Shall Receive: How the Novice Writer Lands the Expert Interview
Pitch Yourself as an “Expert” or Interview Source to News Services/Syndicates
Blurring the Line Between “Writer” and “Expert”
Yes, I AM an Expert! By Valerie Benko
Versatility is Essential When You’re An Expert on Nothing By Mary Cook
Have a Freelance Success Story to share? We pay $40 on acceptance, non-exclusive electronic rights only. Success stories run around 300 words but we're very flexible. Our guidelines are here:
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John Riddle is a freelance writer, author, and ghostwriter from Bear, Delaware. His byline has appeared in major newspapers, magazines, websites and trade journals all across the country. He is the author of 34 books, including a few health and medical titles, and has worked as a ghostwriter on numerous projects. John is also the Founder of I Love To Write Day, a grassroots campaign he launched in 2002 to have people of all ages practice writing every November 15. Last year over 25,000 schools all across the United States held special I Love To Write Day events and activities. He is a frequent speaker at both Christian and secular writing conferences, and recently appeared at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.
You can obtain a quote for John’s ghostwriting services here: https://marketplace.writersweekly.com/ghostwriters

HowMaster: The Writer's Guide to Beautiful Word Crafting

Author Linda M. Gigliotti draws from years of practice as a private
writing tutor in the guidebook that teaches writers how to format visceral
writing that pulls readers into their book. She explains with instruction
and samples of published works how to craft writing that come to life in the reader's mind.
HowMaster is a wise choice for the writer who wants to weave words around the reader’s heart.
Author Linda M. Gigliotti draws from years of practice as a private
writing tutor in the guidebook that teaches writers how to format visceral
writing that pulls readers into their book. She explains with instruction
and samples of published works how to craft writing that come to life in the reader's mind.
Read more here:
I don’t recommend that. If you are an expert, the press comes to you. It comes to me, regularly. Sometimes I don’t have time to answer, but I help. Journalists need to meet insane deadlines, so they will go first to their trusted sources. Honestly, anyone who pays to be seen as an “expert” is not an expert. Seriously.