It really might just come to down to the old adage of “never burning your bridges.” What I just brokered between a long time publisher of my stuff and a new one, is a testament to what can happen to a writer over what he has, and what he can make anew.
In 2009, I began a wonderful publishing relationship with Jean Marie Stine and her Renaissance eBooks. Jean Marie has been a writer/publisher for years. She goes way back, in fact, with classic science fiction of the 60’s and the “Sizzler” arm of Renaissance eBooks has made great strides in specifically publishing erotica in eBook form. I was, and have continued to be flattered, and pleased as punch to have my themed short story collections and other fiction (even some non-erotica) published by Jean Marie.
Spreading myself around as I usually do (and I would suggest pretty much every writer should be doing these days – the facility of the Internet allows us to do so pretty well), I came across Jim Loftin of Wordwooze publishing. Jim has actually been published by Jean Marie. He knows, respects, and has warm cockles for her (and what is life without warm cockles, really?)? He approached me about possibly getting my eBook erotica published with Jean-Marie into audio books.
Last year, I placed a short story collection exclusively with Jim and he converted it to audiobook after releasing the eBook version.
“Very few publishers of erotica convert the titles into audio books,” Jim says. “But, given the popularity of smartphones and iPads, most set-up with audio apps, it’s easy to assume there is and will be a market for books, erotica among them, in audio format.”
For me, it was a slam dunk on many levels. First and foremost, Renaissance eBooks does not hold audiobook rights for my work, so I am free to sell them (if you can retain audio rights in a contract, I suggest doing so). Secondly, Jean-Marie and Jim are all for the ‘cross-selling’ of titles; Jean-Marie has told me many a time, one of my books selling from one publisher increases the possibility that the buyer might just search my name for my other titles, leading them to all the other publishers I have books with presently.
Simply put, one sale one place has a potential of another sale someplace else. Jean Marie and Jim both know this, and embrace this paradigm of modern book publishing.
The fact that I can take the titles I have with Renaissance eBooks, and have Wordwooze create and sell them in a totally different format, proves that there are many ways to keep your stuff out there, renew one’s ‘brand,’ so to speak, and maintain healthy relationships with all your publishers…and, most importantly not burn a bridge.
Of course, you have to write the books first, and find wonderful publishers who can see the big picture, and don’t play territorial games. If you come to two (or more) publishers looking to work together to get your stuff out there, best be open to the invite, and keep those bridges well manned…man.
- This publisher is seeking erotica!
- If You Write About Sex, Will It Sell?
- How I Made $10K Last Month Writing and Selling Erotica
- According to Apple, erotic author Lacey Noonan (the target of a contentious lawsuit), is really a man
- Getting Started as a Sex Columnist By Laura Roberts
- “I wrote a book with adult content. How do I prevent my family from finding out?”
- Pant! Pant!! Electronic AND Audio Editions of an Erotic Novel? Yes! Oh, Yes!! by Ralph Greco, Jr.
- Get Your Erotica Published!
- Self-Publishing? How Many Book Sales Needed to Recoup Your Investment?
- It’s A Dirty Job…Writing Porn For Fun And Profit! Includes Paying Markets!
- Erotica 101 and Erotica 102
“After many years as a professional erotica writer, I like to think I’ve learned a few things, most all of them the hard way…” - Getting Started as a Sex Columnist By Laura Roberts
Ralph Greco, Jr. is a professional writer living in the wilds of north New Jersey suburbia. Ralph has had his one-act plays produced across the United States, his fiction (erotica and mainstream) published throughout the world and has contributed blogs, SEO webcopy, video scripts, poetry and non fiction to various websites, anthologies, newspapers and magazines and stand alone single author collections in print, eBook and audiobook form. Ralph is the editor-in-chief of both Von Gutenberg Magzine, the weekly SEX FILES column at and the P.R. liaison with The Erotic Heritage Museum. With fellow smut writer M. Christian, Ralph travels, giving classes on writing naughty words for fun and profit.
It's A Dirty Job...Writing Porn For Fun And Profit! Includes Paying Markets!

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