The Cattleman
1301 W 7th Street, Ste. 201
Fort Worth TX 76102
Phone: 800-242-7820
Website: https://www.tscra.org
Editor: Ellen H. Brisendine, Executive Director, Communications Services
Email address: tscra@tscra.org
About The Publication:
25% freelance. “The business journal of the beef cattle business of the Southwest.” Welcomes new writers. Circ. 20K. Monthly. Pays on acceptance. Publishes ms 15-30 days after acceptance. Buys first rights. Accepts reprints outside of the Southwest. Responds in 2-4 weeks.
Pays $500 for 1,200-1,800 words. Submit query by email.
Current Needs:
“We publish articles on technical topics — beef cattle health management, natural resources management — written in a conversational, practical tone.” Pays $500 for 1,200-1,800 words. Submit query by email.
“Not required, but appreciated. If supplied, send high-resolution files.” No additional pay.
“Most common mistake is to submit a finished article on a topic we have already covered. Better use of the writer’s time would be to contact us with a query.”
Welcomes New Writers: Yes
Hello The Cattleman
I appreciate the offer of writing an article on beef cattle health management and natural resources management — written in a conversational, practical tone.
I’ll gladly take it, and I’d like to know where i should submit the full content
Please contact the publisher directly using the contact info. in the post above.