Rural Missouri Magazine
P.O. Box 1645
Jefferson City MO 65102
Phone: (573)659-3423
Editor: Heather Berry, Associate Editor.
Email address:
About The Publication:
“A magazine conveying the rural way of life in rural Missouri. We look for interesting people, places,
things to share with our readers. While a story submission may seem perfect for us. we’ll ask you why that topic/person is any different than anyone ELSE in Missouri doing the same thing, a unique subject gets our attention.” 10% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Circ. 545K. Monthly. Pays on acceptance. Period between acceptance and publication varies. Responds 6-8 weeks. Buys first Missouri rights. No reprints. Sample copy available for $3 via SASE. Subscription $20 for three years. Pays $250-$300 for 1300 words.
Current Needs:
“GOOD Missouri history pieces that are well sourced but NO Civil War; got that covered.” Submit complete story by mail.
Pays $250-300 for 1300 words.
“None required, but it helps if you tell us of sources we can find photos/art if it’s a history piece. Payment depends, usually our staff shoots the pics, although we have been known to purchase a writers photos.”
Common mistakes – “1) They don’t read Rural Missouri to see the style/tone we like stories to be in. KNOW US before submitting stories. 2) Remember, we’re swamped on this end so it will probably truly take 8 weeks before you hear from us. 3) Submission will not be returned; keep a copy! 3) DO NOT submit a first-person account to us. Nuff said.”
Welcomes New Writers: Yes