New Smut Project

New Smut Project

New Smut Project


Editor: Guinevere Chase, Alex Freeman, and T.C. Mill, Co-editors.
Email address:

About The Publication:

“The New Smut Project publishes diverse, sex-positive anthologies of high literary quality. Our readers think seriously, creatively, and happily about sex and seek writing that reflects that.” Pays within 30 days of publication. Publishes ms within 6-9 months of acceptance. Buys one time print and ebook rights. Accepts reprints. Response time varies. Guidelines online”

Pays $30 for flash fiction and $100 for short stories.

Current Needs:

“We are currently seeking flash fiction (up to 1,000 words) and longer stories (2,500 words to 6,000 words) for our upcoming anthology, CUNNING LINGUISTS, which explores the erotic potential of words, written or spoken.Deadline is September 1st.” Pays $30 for flash fiction and $100 for short stories. Word counts are 1,000 word maximum for short fiction (no minimum, but stories under 250 words are unlikely to be competitive); 2,500-6,000 words for short stories (not firm if you’re within rounding distance).



“Common mistakes: Not reading our guidelines or not taking them seriously. Being sex-negative. Writing boring clichés. Hints: Stories outside the cis-heterosexual vanilla norm will play well to the editors! Body positivity is awesome. Future anthologies will continue our theme of expanding sexual storytelling by busting clichés.”

Welcomes New Writers: Yes