National Communications Magazine
P.O. Box 1
Aledo IL 61231-0001
Phone: (309)228-8000
Fax: 267-373-5561
Website: http://www.NatComMag.com
Editor: Chuck Gysi
Email address: service@NatComMag.com
About The Publication:
“We’re a tight niche publication serving radio hobbyists interested in scanners (typically referred to as “police scanners”), citizens band (CB) radio and the hobby radio services – General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS), Family Radio Service (FRS) and Multi-Use Radio Service (MURS). While we recently added amateur radio, we’re not accepting any freelance pieces on the topic right now.” Warmly welcomes new writers. Guidelines not available.
Pays $75-$100.
Current Needs:
“Warmly welcomes new writers. We are in need of how-to articles as they relate to scanning, GMRS and CB radio. Examples of topics that could be highly refined might be along the lines of explaining to our readers how to tune an antenna; how to tune in trunked public safety radio systems; reviews of newly released equipment; how to select the proper radio service for your needs, etc. We are not interested in fiction or anything written by anyone without the technical knowledge to engage our readers. In other words, if you aren’t a radio communications hobbyist, it’s doubtful you can make the query cut. Pay varies, but typically $75 and up for new authors per article accepted. A well-written article with a lot of art that could be turned into a cover feature might even net $100 or more. Features run 1,500-3,000 words. Query the editor with an idea and a basic outline of what you will cover in your article. Don’t waste your time writing an article we may not be interested in. Email queries only are accepted (no phone, snail mail or fax queries). If your idea is accepted, the editor will help you develop the storyline so our readers’ needs are met. If you haven’t written for hobby radio magazines in the past, tell the editor a little about your engagement in the hobby. If you hold an amateur radio or GMRS license, indicate that in your email to the editor. If accepted, you will be instructed to submit your article in Microsoft Word with appropriate accompanying artwork as discussed with the editor. Absolutely, no phone calls.”
Pay varies, “but typically $75 and up for new authors per article accepted. A well-written article with a lot of art that could be turned into a cover feature might even net $100 or more.”
“Every article submitted must include artwork. Copyright-free photos are accepted, as well as photos taken by the author. Try to submit at least one vertical photo with high resolution and some space at the top that might work as a cover photo. It might boost your chance to be featured on our cover. Most articles need multiple photos submitted to fill the space in our magazine. We often use large format photos, rather than small photos. Most feature pieces include anywhere from a half-dozen to 20 photos, graphics or illustrations to help tell your story. All photos must be in digital format. No printed photos are accepted as we are a fully digital publication. Articles without photos are rejected.”
“If you’re not a radio hobbyist (GMRS or CB radio operator or police scanner user), you probably won’t make the cut. Know our tight niche subjects. We’re not interested in fiction. If you have been in the hobby a long time, many of our readers have, too. You might make the cut with historical perspectives that the reader can relate to. Try us.”
Welcomes New Writers: Yes