
National Communications Magazine

National Communications Magazine

“We’re a tight niche publication, now produced on the Substack platform, serving radio hobbyists interested in scanners (typically referred to as “police scanners”), citizens band (CB) radio and the hobby radio services – General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS), Family Radio Service (FRS) and Multi-Use Radio Service (MURS). We’re also interested in shortwave radio, hobby broadcasting and anything hobby radio.” Welcomes new writers. Pays on publication. Publishes ms within 1-2 months after acceptance. Buys First N.A. rights. No reprints. Responds within one week. Subscription $30/year.
Pays $35-$100.



“PureLinq is a technology-backed link building startup that drives contextual links at scale.” Daily the first half of the year. Pays on acceptance/final review. No reprints. Responds within a week. Guidelines available by email.

Pays editors $8–$12/piece, and $22.50–$37.50/piece for writers

Machine Intelligence Research Institute

Machine Intelligence Research Institute

MIRI is an AI research organization that performs original mathematical research to ensure the development of artificial intelligence has positive effects for humanity.

We pay by the step, a discrete, well-defined unit that consists of one round of interaction between the DM and the player, along with the DM’s accompanying Thoughts for that round. One step is roughly between 250-450 words, the majority being the DM’s Thoughts.

We’re offering 100 USD for reading the guidelines carefully and submitting 6–8 steps along with a short (less than 1 page) description of how the rest of the story/run might play out. Applicants whose submissions meet our quality bar will be asked to write a follow-up batch of 5 more steps. If those meet our standards, they will be accepted to write long-term for the project, at a rate of 10 USD per step, paid either monthly or every 100 steps.

Please see for more details.

Welcomes New Writers. Pays on Acceptace. Publication purchases all rights. No Reprints. Guidelines online.

PAYS $100



“EContent is a leading authority on the businesses of digital publishing, media, and marketing, targeting executives and decision-makers in these fast-changing markets.” 100% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Six issues per year. Pays on publication. Period between acceptance and publication varies. Buys 90-day rights. No reprints. Responds to queries in 24 hours.

Pays $200-$750



“DIALOGUE is an international news magazine written by and for people who are experiencing vision loss or who are blind. It is published by the nonprofit organization Blindskills, Inc., based in Oregon. The magazine’s purpose is to encourage and facilitate independent living. It provides a wealth of useful information and hints to make life easier. Many topics are covered including finding transportation, starting a career, managing illness, traveling, participating in sports, accessing computers, and adapting the home environment. DIALOGUE reviews low vision aids and devices, provides tips on coping with vision loss, and interviews professionals in the field.” 25% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Quarterly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms within six months. Buys first NA serial rights. Accepts some reprints. Responds one week.

Pays $15-$35.

Skim Magazine

Skim Magazine

“SKIM Magazine is a Canadian publication and the printed version of the magazine will be distributed to government offices, local and international NGOs, UN agencies, donor organizations, and other private sector the Gulf Corporation Council (GCC) countries and Pakistan. We would like to invite you to read our past issues of SKIM Magazine at In today’s fast paced world, society is faced with numerous challenges that could be aptly handled through technology. Spatial Knowledge & Information Management [SKIM] magazine’s framework consists of many cross cutting themes, including: Education, Health. Economy, Policy, Governance, Energy, Environment, Agriculture, and Natural Resources. This monthly magazine attempts to cover the most pressing issues from these sectors, and evoke how latest technologies can be used to find the most optimal solutions. The intent of the magazine is to showcase the knowledge and applied technologies, which could bring about a
fundamental change in achieving societal growth and development.” 100% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Monthly. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 2-3 months after acceptance. Buys all rights. No reprints. Responds 2-3 days. Sample copy available online. Pays $40 for 1500-2000 words.



“Wonder is an on-demand research network where bright minds like you come to explore intriguing and intellectually stimulating topics. With Wonder, you can earn while you learn. It’s simple. Do research, get paid. The research you’ll do serves as the bedrock for strategies and initiatives by our clients, who include top-tier consulting firms, VCs, and international marketing agencies. As a Wonder Analyst, you’ll choose where and when you want to work, learn about new topics, and develop useful professional skills. Best of all, you’ll get paid for each research request you complete! Pays $10-$16 per research task.

“Ready to join the RoboWP team?
Take your time answering the screening questions on the Google Form (link below) and tell us a little bit about yourself.”″ “RoboWP is a full-stack digital marketing services concierge with offices in Italy and USA. We cater to your business needs in all aspects, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, executing your company’s Internet marketing strategy, developing your brand’s equity, monitoring your business’s performance, increasing your online presence and growth, providing hosting, backups, security/performance audits, and realizing your custom requests and necessities. We’re building a team of writers to create educational and industry related content for our recently launched blog. As we build our blog, we want to work on a long-term basis with some of the most talented marketing writers out there to help us develop high-quality content on a consistent basis. You will work directly with an editor to develop feature and story ideas. This job may require you to curate and correspond with thought leaders, influencers, and industry professionals to complete an article. These articles may appear on our website, Medium, or on other brand’s websites we collaborate with.”