Brew Your Own
5515 Main Street
Manchester Center VT 05255
Phone: (802)362-3981
Fax: (802)362-2377
Website: https://byo.com
Guidelines: http://byo.com/about-us/writer-s-guidelines
Email address: edit@byo.com
About The Publication:
“Brew Your Own is the how-to homebrew beer magazine.” Welcomes new writers. 85% freelance. Publishes 8 issues/year. Pays on publication. Publishes ms 3-6 months after acceptance. Buys all rights. No reprints. Responds 2-8 weeks. Sample articles online. Guidelines online
Pays $25-$200 for 1000-2500 words.
Current Needs:
Queries. See guidelines. Also has regular columns. Pays $25-$200 for 1000-2500 words. Submit query by email.
Pays $25-$200 for 1000-2500 words
“Art accepted, must include permission from artist/photographer.” Payment varies. See guidelines for more information.
Welcomes New Writers: Yes