
Yet Another Snow Day!

I’m happy to say that I have been sticking to one of my New Year’s Resolution! I worked for an hour every morning last week (and for three hours on Sunday), and finally finished formatting one of my new books. We then printed it out for one last crack at editing. I always have to edit twice on paper – once using the manuscript and then once more using a real, printed copy of the book. That’s the nice thing about Print on Demand (POD). You can make changes whenever you want.

My other New Year’s Resolution was to work fewer hours. I did really good a week ago last Monday. I got off work at 5:30! However, the rest of the week saw me working until after 7:00 p.m. each night. I’m writing this on Monday night, the 14th, and it’s already 8:00 p.m. Bummer.

We had a Nor’Easter here today. The kids were out of school for a snow day so I had about 10 times the usual number of interruptions.

For example, today you could hear me saying things like:

“Ali, did you sweep the steps by the doggie door yet? If you don’t do it every hour, the snow will get too deep and then Percy won’t be able to get outside to go potty. You know what that means!”

“Frank, no, you may NOT make a snow ramp in the backyard until the wind dies down and the snow stops flying sideways!”

“No, Max, you can’t put your new ‘My Buddy’ doll outside to see if he’ll turn blue like a real person does…”

“Mason, come look out the window at the big snowflakes! Pretty!!!”

“Zach, go to the post office now! If you wait too long, you won’t be able to get the truck out of the driveway…”

“Richard, can you turn up the heater, please?”

Now you can see why it’s so hard to stay on task on snow days! 😉

This Week’s Maxism:

Max was so excited last weekend when his “My Buddy” doll arrived. He’s been asking for one for weeks and it took me awhile to find
a good used one on Ebay.

He particularly likes the doll’s overalls, and said, “Mom, can we buy Mason some pants with shoulders, too?!”

Hugs to everybody!


P.S. QUERY LETTERS THAT WORKED! Real Queries That Landed $2K+ Writing Assignments – Want to read real query letters that landed these contracts? Woman’s Day – $2,800; Redbook – $3,500; Ladies Home Journal – $3,000; – $2,000; Lifetime Magazine – $3,000; Life Extension Magazine – $6,480; Natural Remedies – $11,300; and many more! See: