Whitman’s Samplers Ain’t What They Used to Be!

Whitman’s Samplers Ain’t What They Used to Be!

I can count on less than one hand the number of times I have publicly complained about a product online. Today, I am doing just that.

Last weekend, we were at the store to get groceries for a family gathering. I told Mason to find some good chocolate (to spoil the grandbabies with). He grabbed two boxes of Whitman’s Samplers. PERFECT!!

In case you don’t remember, the regular-sized (not giant) box of Whitman’s had 3 rows of 5 candies each, along with two layers of those in the box. That was 15 candies per layer, meaning 30 per box. Of course, the awesome guide on the lid of the box saved you from biting into a candy you did not like (like the gross fruity ones).

The following day, we pulled out one of the boxes, and gently took off the cellophane. Everybody stood around, anxiously waiting for their turn to choose just the right chocolate covered piece of Heaven to plop into their mouths.

When I pulled the lid off, I was shocked to see far more packaging that chocolate. There were only 11 pieces of candy per layer! That meant 8 fewer candies for each box. Worse, some of my favorites were no longer in the box at all. I felt completely ripped off!!

I don’t have a picture of the old box but THIS NICE LADY does.

And, this is the new box:

So, after a lifetime of buying Whitman’s Samplers, I will no longer be doing so. Hmm…. Maybe I’ll start making my own gourmet chocolates.


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2 Responses to "Whitman’s Samplers Ain’t What They Used to Be!"

  1. Linda G  March 4, 2022 at 4:42 pm


    They make the packaging and contents smaller and charge the price they did previous to that. I trusted my visual acuity on that one and was happy to see it is still active. Anything to sell product and make us mad.

    Linda G

    • By Angela Hoy - Publisher of WritersWeekly.com  March 5, 2022 at 2:07 pm

      Hard to believe that all of that extra fancy molded plastic costs less than a couple of teaspoons of chocolate…. >:-(