Mason’s Birthday and Talking Boxes

Mason’s birthday was great fun…even though he had no idea what was going on! He just kept looking at all the people in the house with big eyes. He was friendly and let a couple of people hold him. Max (age 5) opened Mason’s gifts for him. That didn’t bother Max one bit! I guess we at least have photos of the party for Mason to see some day…when he knows what birthdays are. 😉

We are frantically trying to get ready for our vacation. We’re leaving on Thursday and I still have tons of laundry to do before we finish packing. Not to worry – we’ll still be online. The children are terribly excited. If things get hairy, the next two issues might be a bit abbreviated.

This week’s Maxism:

It was a warm afternoon last Friday. I was working downstairs and noticed a strange smell in the house. It seemed to be coming from the kitchen (shudder) and I was going to have Richard figure out the mystery once he came downstairs for lunch. The longer I worked, the more it bugged me. Zach came downstairs first and I asked him to help me find the source of the smell. He said he couldn’t smell anything. Richard came downstairs next. He said he couldn’t smell anything, either. Men!

Then, Max (age 5) then came downstairs and immediately said, “Ewww! What’s that smell?!”

I laughed and exclaimed, “Thank you, Max! Nobody believed me!”

A few minutes later, Max came back into the living room from the kitchen with his finger in front of his nose. He was sniffing long and hard, over and over again. Thinking he might hyperventilate at any moment, I asked, “What are you doing?”

“Smelling my finger. It smells better than in here. It smells like pizza.”

Hugs to all!


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