Food Poisoning Can REALLY Kill Your Productivity!

Food Poisoning Can REALLY Kill Your Productivity!

My missive is short this week. Every Wednesday, Max (age 18) and I have lunch together. Today, I have food poisoning for the second time in three weeks. I’m starting to think local restaurants are trying to kill me.

My advice?

Avoid hole-in-the-wall restaurants that don’t look like they’ve had customers in several days. Heaven knows when the local German restaurant here last checked the expiration dates on those bratwursts. And, while you’re at it, be careful when eating chicken wings. One bad wing during lunch can lead to a VERY bad afternoon at work.

We are gearing up for a big Thanksgiving week! I’ve bought most of the stuff we need already, and will get the rest on Friday. I will be avoiding groceries store at ALL COSTS next week!!

Have a safe weekend ahead, everybody!! Things are crazy busy here so I’ll be working.


Angela Hoy lives on a mountain in North Georgia. She is the publisher of, the President and CEO of and AbuzzPress, and the author of 24 books.

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3 Responses to "Food Poisoning Can REALLY Kill Your Productivity!"

  1. Ethel Geary  December 5, 2019 at 1:33 pm

    Haven’t eaten in a restaurant since my 70 birthday 14 years ago. Agree with all above – it’s just not safe. Here the local news does a review once a month on which restaurants passed inspection by the health dept in that month and which didn’t. You’d be surprise who, what and why they fail. Agree with the previous comment on grow and cook your own, but where do you put the garden on your boat?

  2. Pamela Allegretto  November 22, 2019 at 2:22 pm

    Food poisoning?! Yikes! Twice in 3 weeks? Double yikes. The problem is, it’s not only the hole-in-the wall restaurants you need to be wary of, even the Michelin 5-star restaurants have their fair (not so fair to the afflicted customer) share of contamination problems. It seems seafood and chicken are some of the most prevalent culprits. Stay on the soda crackers and take care. Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Patrick Howard  November 22, 2019 at 1:01 am

    You’re telling me – it’s a minefield out there. A jar of 365 spaghetti sauce from Whole Foods half destroyed my kidneys and made me lose 80 pounds – not a pleasant experience.

    Be alert – in today’s weird world full of ignorance, hatred and drugs – better grow and cook your own!

    Best my dear (I was told yesterday by a second social worker, “Don’t call me ‘Dear’.” Ah, gee.

    Peter aka (below) Thanks for the greatest newsletter – Keeps me busy. Bon appetit and healthy meals to all of you.