COMMENT on: Go Global! Expanding Your Writing Business Overseas
As an international writer / translator from Greece, I find sleep very important for a balanced freelancer’s life. However, much unlike Aris 🙂 , I’m a single working mom, so life probably has different requirements from me.
Anyways, my kudos to Aris for being able to “write about everything” (I definitely can’t / won’t do that *anymore*) and, most of all, for making such a case for Good Sources!
– Helene Pulacu
COMMENTS on: Sailing Trip!
That sounds so cool! Can’t wait to hear how it goes. Am gradually warming up to the idea of traveling on the water.
Robyn Dolan, author
The Working Parent’s Guide To Homeschooling
I can’t wait to hear about your sailing trip! I used to own a sailboat! You will have so much fun!
Carla Burke
I Spy a Dragonfly
My Name May Be Peanuts, but I Say Nay to PB&J
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